Rightists protest ‘illegal construction’ in Arab village



Dozens of rightist Otzma LeYisrael activists arrive in Musmus to ‘examine illegal construction.’ Enraged villagers: ‘They are lunatic racists’

Dozens of right-wing Otzma LeYisrael activists demonstrated Tuesday in the Arab-Israeli village of Musmus opposite hundreds of enraged villagers, who have declared a general strike in light of the “provocation.”
The activists said they arrived at the northern Arab-Israeli village, located near Umm al-Fahm, to examine “illegal construction” in the area.
“It’s inconceivable that the State demolishes unlicensed houses in southern Tel Aviv and such construction continues unhindered in Musmus,” said Baruch Marzel, number three on Otzma LeYisrael’s Knesset list.
“I’m sorry to say the police are afraid to enter the village. This reality must change or we will lose the whole northern area.”
Extreme right-wing activist Itamar Ben Gvir added that “the village is a symbol for non-enforcement. We blame (Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu and (Avigdor) Lieberman, because they only talk and never act. Those who demand rights must accept duties.”
Villagers were infuriated by the demonstration and declared a general strike, which included all education institutions and public services.
Hundreds of residents arrived at the village’s main entrance and called the activists to leave, while large police forces kept order.
“We live on these, our lands, and we will not let racist right-wingers dictate to us how to build,” Musmus rsident Issa Agbarieh told Ynet.
“It’s ridiculous that the whole country should be up-in-arms because of these lunatic racists. We’re not the provocateurs; this visit is provoking the entire region.”
Conversely, Ibrahim Mahamid called to “let the rightists come and demonstrate without a strike or a protest. These steps only strengthen them and give them undeserved publicity and attention.
“It’s clear to us that the purpose of this demonstration is to gain votes and support in the upcoming elections, at the expense of Arab citizens.”
Balad MK Jamal Zahalka, who also attended the protest, added that “this is a provocation intended to tell the villagers they should emigrate.
“This is a group of racists, and it is time to enforce the counter-racism legislation and put an end to such demonstrations.”
In July 2012 a group of right-wingers arrived in Nazareth and called on locals to join the national service program.
During the demonstration, MK Zahalka confronted MK Michael Ben Ari of Otzma LeYisrael and called for his expulsion from the city, to which the latter retorted: “Terrorist, you don’t belong here.”
“Marhaba (hello, in Arabic) Nazareth residents,” Marzel opened. “I come to enlist you to national service so that our soldiers can fight the war against Israel’s enemies.”

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