Right-wing Nazi Jews to march in Arab town, demand end to rights for non Jews


Right-wing activists representing the Strong Israel party were scheduled to hold a march in the Israeli-Arab town of Musmus in the Wadi Ara region on Tuesday, after police approved the event despite fears that it might incite riots.
Among those scheduled to participate in the march, entitled, “No obligations, no rights,” was MK Michael Ben Ari, and Strong Israel candidates Itamar Ben-Gvir and Baruch Marzel.
Strong Israel said Sunday that the demonstrators would call for Israeli laws and taxes to apply in Arab villages and towns.
“It cannot be that entire cities and many villages, especially in the Negev and the Galilee, are run as if they are separate countries,” Ben Ari stated.
Ben-Ari, Marzel and Ben-Gvir have previously led similar marches in Umm al-Faham, Nazareth and Jaffa.
A 2009 march in Umm al-Fahm sparked rock-throwing and clashes, with 16 police officers suffering light injuries.

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