Right Wing Billionaires Push IsraHell’s Agenda in 2012 Elections

Sheldon Adelson has donated more than $16 million so far, to the election campaign and he plans to give similar support to the eventual Republican presidential nominee, whoever that person might be. Time.com

Right-Wing Neoconservatives and former Democrats from Wall Street are teaming up to defeat Obama, but can their attacks on his Israel policy divide his funding base?


The staunch pro-Israel campaign messaging that characterizes  this Election, can be traced back to millions of dollars in campaign funding by pro-Israel funders both inside and outside the Israel Lobby.

Time.com: Few political donors have played as significant a role as billionaire casino magnate and fierce Israel advocate Adelson has in 2012.

A $5 million gift from Adelson to the super PAC backing Newt Gingrich funded a flurry of ads that helped spark the former House Speaker’s then flagging campaign.

Along with his family, Adelson has donated more than $16 million so far, and he plans to give similar support to the eventual Republican presidential nominee, whoever that person is.

Richard Silverstein, journalist and blogger, has followed such funding before the election cycle even began…


More at The Real News


Editing: Debbie Menon

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