Regarding the coup against Robert Mugabe

Declaration of the Revolutionary Communist Party of the Ivory Coast (PCRCI)

Under pressure from the military, Robert MUGABE, the President of Zimbabwe, resigned on Tuesday, November 21, 2017. Immediately the imperialist and pro-imperialist agencies have been gloating, announcing the end of a dictator and trumpeting the so-called failure of MUGABE and his policy of economic ruin.

Faced with this nauseating disinformation campaign, the Revolutionary Communist Party of the Ivory Coast wants to reestablish the truth of the facts.

1) The military and imperialism have perpetrated a coup against the patriotic power of MUGABE.

2) But MUGABE remains and will remain in the memory of the Zimbabwean people and in history the hero of the fight against the racist regime of Ian SMITH and has given back to Zimbabweans their freedom and pride.

3) MUGABE remains and will remain the one who, by bold and courageous agrarian reform, has allowed the restoration of the land to the black Zimbabwean peasants. For centuries these lands had been confiscated by a minority of white settlers.

4) MUGABE remains and will remain for his people, the African revolutionaries and the world a true patriot and an anti-imperialist fighter.

The Revolutionary Communist Party of the Ivory Coast condemns this coup which signifies a setback for this people in their mobilization against imperialism and the remains of apartheid.


Abidjan, November 26, 2017

Achy Ekissi
Secretary General of the PCRCI

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