Posted by: John Phoenix

It’s ALL for Apartheid Israel
“I’ve never seen a President — I don’t care who he is — stand up to them (Israel). It just boggles the mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know what is going on all the time. I got to the point where I wasn’t writing anything down. If the American people understood what a grip these people have got on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our citizens certainly don’t have any idea what goes on.” — U.S. Navy Admiral and former head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Thomas Moorer, during an interview in August 1983.
A Regional War For Israel Is Coming
Excerpt from the article by Philip Giraldi
With the appointment of leading neoconservative John Bolton as National Security Advisor, the Zionist war-party takeover of the White House is nearly complete. With Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State, Nikki Haley at the U.N. and now Bolton whispering in the President’s ear, we have a fully endowed war cabinet that will make sure the Mullahs, Russkies and Rocket Man begin to pay attention. As Haley laid down the law in the United Nations recently, “Our patience is not unlimited.”
Bolton, the point man for Israeli-American casino billionaire and GOP kingmaker Sheldon Adelson, will be the spark plug that ignites a new round of warfare on behalf of Israel. Bolton has long been planning to attack Iran. He secretly and illegally met with Israel’s Mossad intelligence service in 2003-4 when he was in the State Department under George W. Bush to lay the groundwork for such a conflict. Today, right-wing Israelis are certainly cheering his appointment. Naftali Bennett, a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s security cabinet, has already praised the move, calling Bolton “an extraordinary security expert, experienced diplomat and a stalwart friend of Israel”.
War is likely to start in the Middle East as Iran, Lebanon and Syria are relatively soft targets with only limited capability to strike back. As neocon pundit Michael Ledeen put it, “Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business.” There have been numerous indications that Israel is preparing for war. Its planning clearly includes deliberately involving the United States in the conflict, turning American soldiers into de facto hostages, with U.S. casualties guaranteeing Washington’s direct and immediate involvement in the fighting.
Largely unknown to the American public, the United States has just completed the largest ever joint military exercises with Israel even though it has no defense agreement or treaty with Tel Aviv. That is, in part, because military alliances are dependent on an attack on one partner mandating support from all parties to the agreement. Israel has balked at such an arrangement because it cannot define its own borders, which are constantly expanding.
The recent maneuvers featured scenarios in which U.S. troops fought Syrians, Lebanese and Palestinians in a mock-up Arab village to defend Israel. Washington’s particularly vulnerability vis-à-vis Israel derives from the recent opening of a U.S. permanent facility at Mashabim Air Base in the Negev Desert.
It is described as a base within a base, completely contained by an Israeli air force installation and operating “under Israeli military directives,” meaning that if the facility is attacked Americans will likely die. It has no function in support of U.S. regional interests but is instead a shell facility with a few dozen airmen that can be ramped up considerably if Israel goes to war and calls for American assistance. Together with billions of dollars-worth of U.S. military equipment that is pre-positioned in Israel and can be used by the Israelis as needed, it is all about supporting Israeli war-making and has nothing to do with American security or defense interests except as a tripwire to bring about U.S. involvement.
For that reason, all of the above is something more than just the latest “we have to support Israel” gimmick. The American soldiers and airmen who are now based in Israel are the sacrificial lambs that will guarantee U.S. entry into a war that Israel intends to start, make no mistake about that.
When Israel attacks Syria and/or Lebanon, as it clearly intends to do, Hezbollah will retaliate with its missiles, some of which will surely be directed towards the Mashabim Air Base, which will be targeted to inhibit the base’s ability to bomb Lebanon. And once Washington is well and truly engaged in what is referred to as “force protection,” Israel will undoubtedly widen the conflict by drawing Iran in through attacks on that country’s identified bases in Syria that are supporting the al-Assad government. The bigger war will suddenly become America’s responsibility after Israel inevitably proves itself incapable of handling the escalation.
The Coming War On Lebanon
Excerpt from the article by Timothy Alexander Guzman
Washington’s plan to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has ultimately failed. Now Lebanon seems to be in the crosshairs with tensions between Israel and Hezbollah on the same level that led to the 2006 Lebanon war. There is also the possibility that a new offensive against Syria might take place as Washington maintains its troop levels in the devastated country caused by ISIS and other terrorists groups they supported.
Various reports suggest that the Pentagon may reveal that there are close to 2,000 U.S. troops stationed in Syria even though ISIS has been defeated. So why is Washington staying in Syria? Will there be another attempt to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the near future? Most likely, yes. Adding the Trump administration’s continued hostilities towards Iran, the drumbeats of a new war in the Middle East is loud and clear.
Israel is gearing up for a long and devastating war against Hezbollah, an Iranian-ally who is based in Lebanon’s southern region to deter Israel’s expansionist ideas. Israel understands that a defeat against Hezbollah and the Lebanese military will be absolutely difficult to accomplish, therefore preparations to engage the Hezbollah this time will be an effort to create as much damage as possible and reduce their military capabilities, maybe in time for U.S. troops to enter the war through Syria and coordinate targets with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).
Israel’s plan to launch more aggressive wars against its neighbors to further an expansionist objective would come at a great cost to Israeli citizens as their economy sinks into the rabbit hole and with the threat of incoming missiles from southern Lebanon makes it that much more worse. Lebanon and to an extent Israel will be once again devastated by a new war. For both sides of the border, it is a formula for disastrous consequences.
Iran Nuclear Deal Hysteria Is A Cry For War
By Views Of News
All those within Government and without who oppose the nuclear deal with Iran are only doing so to please Israel. Their hysteria is totally unfounded. If one wants peace, one must deal with one’s “enemies.” Roosevelt dealt with Stalin, Nixon with Mao Zedong, Kissinger with Le Duc Tho, Kerry with Castro, etc.
Those who cry wolf over the deal and want to attack Iran are only following the diktats of the Israeli terrorist-in-chief Benjamin Netanyahu. After all, he’s their god and whatever he says goes – that’s the only explanation for their idiotic stand. Watch this video of Netanyahu lambasting Iran in the US Congress, or not – after all, who can stand to watch that demonic and arrogant cad ordering the US around.
“If America goes to war with Iran, as is increasingly likely, it will be all about Israel,” said Philip Giraldi, former CIA officer.
Consequently, when the Middle East is set ablaze and millions of people lose their lives, the world will know who to haul at The Hague for crimes against humanity.
Dumb Moves Have Consequences
Excerpt from the article by Philip Giraldi
President Donald Trump (withdrew the US) from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear agreement with Iran that was signed by the U.S. and five other governments in July 2015. As one informed observer noted, “a train wreck is probably coming, with very damaging consequences that are hard to predict.”
The unfortunate truth is that going to war with Iran is popular among the policy makers and media for the usual reason: it is a major foreign policy objective of the Israeli government and its powerful U.S. lobby.
The U.S. and Israel are also expressing concern about Iranian ballistic missile capability. Again, ballistic missiles would appear to be a weapon that Israel alone seeks to monopolize in its neighborhood because it seeks to regard itself as uniquely threatened, that is, always the victim. It is an argument that sells well in the U.S. Congress and in the media, which has apparently also obtained traction in the White House. It is nevertheless a fake argument contrived by the Israelis. The missiles under development do not in any way threaten the United States and they were not in any event part of the agreement and should not be considered a deal breaker.
Add into the equation the clearly expressed and oft-times repeated Israeli intention to begin a war with Iran, starting in Syria, sooner rather than later, a disaster for American foreign policy is developing that might well make Iraq and Afghanistan look like cake walks. Iran will surely strike back in response either to the termination of the JCPOA or to Israeli bombing of its militiamen and surrogates in Syria. American forces in the region will surely be sucked into the conflict by Israel and will wind up taking the fall. Someone should tell Donald Trump that there are real world consequences for breaking agreements and rattling sabers.
Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is
Defining Moment For Putin: Stand Up To Israel
By Russia Insider
Russia must reconsider its current relationship with Israel because it is wrong for so many reasons, not least because it sends mixed messages to Russian allies in the Middle East.
First steps are already taken; Israel’s ambassador has been summoned to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. But they should be doing much more than this. The whole current crisis is a consequence of Israel’s desire to prop up controlled chaos in Syria for decades to come and Russia being silent when it comes to Tel Aviv’s constant air attacks against Syria.
Why is Russia keeping silent when Israel bombs Syria, but threatens the US when it says it wants to do the same? Where’s the logic? Why can Israel do it and the US, as a world’s first superpower, cannot? If Russia is not ready to retaliate against Israel, why do they claim that they are ready to retaliate against the US? It makes no sense. Therefore, Russia should not give Israel a free pass and should impose a similar set of economic and political sanctions as in the case of the U.S.
In any case, Russia should make clear to Israel that in case of Russian-American global war, Israel will be one of the first to be wiped out with the help of Russian nukes. This will make them think twice before instigating a global conflict against Russia.
Russia needs to understand that this has nothing to do with Assad, Syria or even the Middle East. It has everything to do with Russia. Israel and the U.S. decided it is the perfect time to inflict a humiliating defeat on Russia in Syria and take them out of this complex equation.
If Russia does nothing and hides under the table while whining and protesting against illegal American, British, French and Israeli strikes against the Syrian people, it will be the ultimate defeat and humiliation for Russia and Putin.
Putin’s Rules Of Engagement In Syria
By Views Of News
Putin is an extremely wise and cunning politician who’s no one’s fool.
He knows that Israel, fiercely supported by Trump and his administration, is hell-bent on starting a new conflagration by baiting Syria, an ally of Iran and Russia, into a wider war. However, Putin will not allow Russia to be sucked in this Middle East quagmire.
For one, Putin is not interested in a wider war nor in provoking one. And second, he wants to position himself as the level-headed peace-seeking adult in the room for the future World Order that will send every country running to him.
Still, in case of a major Israeli war involving Syria (and even Iran) he will not stand idly by. The reason is simple: Putin ABSOLUTELY cannot permit Assad to be deposed a la Muammar Gaddafi or Saddam Hussein; otherwise he will lose the base in Syria, which he cannot afford – he’d look like a fool and Russia would forfeit all the clout and good will it accumulated worldwide.
What will he do in case of a war? His rules of engagement are probably thus.
a. When the BIG WAR explodes Russia’s involvement will most likely be COVERTLY executed (e.g., Russian Soldiers and Jet Fighters disguised as Syrians).
b. Russia’s sophisticated weapon systems in Syria will ONLY be unleashed in the event said BIG WAR, which Apartheid Israel wants so bad, becomes inevitable.
“Putin will continue to hold his water, waiting for the opportune moment to reverse his opponent,” writes Tom Luongo, political commentator. “Russia’s limit has not been reached in Syria yet. Putin always does this. It drives his critics and his supporters crazy. It’s geopolitical judo and he’s the master at it.
“And when that reversal comes and Israel has been thrown flat on its back, Trump’s only move will be to settle. Why speculate on what he’ll do. Just watch and wait it out. The signs are all there.”
Listen Up, Israel!
By Views Of News
Your antisemitism trick has come to an end. Most everyone knows you are NOT Semites.
Your terrorism trick has hit a brick wall. Most everyone knows that those so-called “Islamic Terrorists” are really Israelis.
Your war plans and provocations are fizzling at an alarming rate. Most everyone sees through your evil shenanigans.
Your apartheid state will not last very long. Even some of your clear-minded citizens admit that much.
So take the following advice:
- Admit that you are NOT really the Hebrews of the bible.
- Forget about that nonsensical “Promised Land” that supposedly extends all the way to the Euphrates.
- Stop slaughtering the Palestinians, create a bi-national state, repatriate all their refugees, and pay reparations to all the families you have hurt.
- Give back to Syria and Lebanon the land you’ve stolen from them and make peace with all your neighbors.
If you do all these things, you may still have a chance to redeem your soul.
Read also: Jesus was not a Jew