Rami Aman is an advocate for Gazans, not Hamas

Hamas a "Fundamentalist Political Party?" | HonestReporting

By Mahmoud El-Yousseph

In fairness to Rami Aman and 12 million Palestinian worldwide, Hamas leaders should be arrested and charged with treason. First of all, who is Rami? He is a peace activist from Gaza who was arrested along with other activists by Hamas security forces on treason charges because they took part in a web conference with other Israeli activists. Hamas said holding any activity or contact with the Israeli occupation under any other cover is a crime punishable by law and a betrayal of the people and their sacrifices.
No one can defend this morally-bankrupt position by Hamas.

Fact is, the activist held a meeting over Zoom during which they discussed the Coronvirus pandemic, the blockade, unemployment, cancer, and the lack of clean water and electricity.

Last year, Hamas arrested Rami for holding a Palestinian-Israeli bicycle marathon on both sides of the border, calling for the lifting the Israeli siege on Gaza. 

Following Hamas’ twisted logic, one can argue that all Hamas’ leaders who have a direct or indirect contact with the Occupation should be arrested and put on trial for treason for betraying Gaza’s people and their sacrifices (Hamas reasoning, not mine.)

Secondly, what are some of Hamas’ leaders’ violations so to speak? 

* Several of Hamas’ leaders have arranged for immediate family members to receive medical treatment in Israel. (Haaretz, August 2018)

* Since Hamas took over control of Gaza in 2007, several of Hamas’ top leaders held indirect talk with the occupation up to this writing regarding prisoners’ swap deal.

* Last February, Hamas’ leaders held indirect talk with the occupation through Qatar. The goal was to ensure Qatar continues its cash-flow policy to Hamas and in return, Hamas will not fire rockets during the Israeli election. 

* Hamas held indirect talks via Egypt and the UN to reduce tensions in exchange for concessions from Israel to ease the movement on people and goods.

* Hamas’ leaders who gave interviews to the Israeli press should be arrested, including Yahya Sinwar who gave an  interviewed to Yedioth Ahronoth in 2018. What is good for the gander is good for the goose.
Rami Aman, who never met an Israeli government official, said previously, “I know these meetings comes with danger, but I’m willing to face it. They help both sides change their views about the other. I am determined to continue.” The ugly truth is that Rami Aman is a true advocate for Gazans, not Hamas.

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