Racist KKKnesset forms Jewish world lobby


PM Naziyahu, Opposition Chairwoman Yachimovich join forces to launch lobby for strengthening Jewish people, connection between IsraHell and Diaspora

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Opposition Chairwoman Shelly Yachimovich are joining forces for the first time to launch the Knesset Lobby for Strengthening the Jewish People.
The lobby, which enjoys support across the political spectrum, will operate in cooperation with the Jewish Agency for Israel. So far, 40 Knesset members have asked to join. It will be chaired by MK Tzachi Hanegbi (Likud) and Nachman Shai (Labor).
Ahead of the lobby’s first discussion on Monday, Netanyahu and Yachimovich sent the MKs letter explaining that they had decided to cooperate in light of “the importance of the lobby’s goal – strengthening the Jewish people and the connection between Israel and the Diaspora, forming a Jewish identity among the young generation and deepening Jewish tradition.”

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