August 29, 2010
by Gordon Duff
Rev. Glenn Beck of Fox GOP News Preaching the Gospel
By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
There is a certain absurdity for a group only remotely related to Christianity calling for a “revival of the Christian faith” in a New York rally, led by “Cowboy Jesus” freak Glenn Beck. Beck, whose claimed religious beliefs are based on Mormonism, an offshoot of Christianity originally based on polygamy and closely resembling the Islamic Shia sect, predominate in modern day Iran, is one of the top entertainers of Israeli-American Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation.
However, most followers of current “political hate theology” are “Christian Zionists. Christian Zionists consider themselves a form of evangelical Christianity but differ strongly in the role of Jesus Christ as “savior.” Their Jesus didn’t come to America to live among the Native Americans nor is he the Jesus of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Melding two religions, one meant to venerate Christ and another based on despising him has created an abomination.
Christian Zionism is a form of defacto form of Judaism with Christ taking a secondary role as “savior,” as accepted in the traditional Christian concept of the ‘trinity.” Christ, according to Christian Zionist beliefs, acts as an arbiter of judgement more closely associated with Hasatan (Ha-Satan, the “challenger” or “accuser”) as described in Job 1:6-12. The “adversary” of the Judaic texts, subservient to G-d is an analog to the “Christ” figure in Christian Zionism, a figure associated with war, pestilence and suffering. Christian Zionism and its “Luciferian” Christ is a philosophical construct of “new age” mythologies of space aliens, the Bermuda Triangle with a touch of Revelations for dramatic effect.
In that sense, Christian Zionism has bridged a gulf, not with Judaism but with Satanism.
Lord of the Rings is more closely aligned with the teachings in the gospels.
What Beck and his cronies try to keep from the “star wars” religious sects they pander to is that their special brew of race fear, sexual humiliation and science fiction isn’t even a real front for support of Israel or the rule of America by the 1.4% Jewish population that they consider “genetically superior” to Christians. The subtext “master race” theory that, to “conservatives” explains, to them at least, the predominance of Israeli citizens or Jewish American Zionists in an unbelievable percentage of positions of control, not only in government and the media but with a virtual stranglehold on the American banking and economic system as well, exceeds Hitler and Himmler’s wildest dreams.
With all the praying and wailing and Glenn Beck’s prolific tears, the addict and Fox News demagogue, minor noise-making clown prince of his Rothschild masters, the banking firm in control of the Federal Reserve and all other western currencies as well, the true aspect of this primitive spectacle was obvious. Several thousand morally confused and religiously misguided Americans, feeling abandoned by their government and spiritual institutions now fallen into disrepute, clearly demonstrated how easily Americans could be manipulated. Israeli Prime Minister Bibi “Furniture-man” Netanyahu continually jokes about this in both public and private.
With proof coming to light in the past few days that the Tea Party movement is not only funded but was originated by a reclusive Israeli-American billionaire and the Fox/”Ground Zero Mosque” scandal, Netanyaho seems on sound footing.
Beck has demanded, for weeks, to know who is secretly funding the “Victory” Mosque that he insists is an offense to victims of “9/11.”
Glenn only needs to look at the name on his paycheck.
Beck and his followers serve another important purpose, “living proof” of the racial superiority of Jews. With recent studies showing Jews to be a race distinctive from European Caucasians, reputed by some studies to have much higher percentages of Neandrathal genes, the concepts as presented by Zionists that Jews are more clever and aggressive than “whites” is one more suited to the Third Reich than the modern world.
More curious, indeed, is the fact that the concepts of racial purity with roots, not 5000 years ago, but 50,000, are inconsistent with the beliefs of Christian Zionists who profess than all mankind came from a single common ancestor 5000 years ago. In accordance with the teachings of “creationists,” all mankind would share equally in the exact same genetics as Adam and Eve, though Zionists insist their race was totally distinct from others by that time.
This speaks to the heart of the matter and the heart of the beliefs of Beck and his confidants. Christians, if not children of Adam and Eve, as is supported by the Torah, “Goyim,” are not, as such human.
Thus, the basis of Christian Zionism and “creationism” is the establishment of a belief system that enslavement of peoples, as may be witnessed by the political and social restructuring of recent years is based on mythical scriptural interpretations, “creationist theory” that proves Christians to be a form of animal, less than human, not made in the “image of G-d.”
Thus, the concepts of the “elect” are not meant to reflect a group chosen out of mankind as righteous or deserving of salvation but of a class of mammal or “cattle” that are, by a form of divine selection elevated to human status.
Where the Torah describes, ad nauseum, how rights and protections afforded humans are to be withheld from other ethnic groups, it has taken Christian Zionism to define through “creationism” and a radical reassessment of the divinity of Christ to clarify the status of Christians and other non-Jews as proto-humans.
In an almost bizarre twist of events, a political movement melding bizarre cults based on alien lifeforms, “Cowboy Jesus” and the pseudo-science of ‘creationism” can, on one hand, build a consensus based on the concept of inferiority of non-white races and, at the same time, herald itself as a sub-human race petitioning Zion for inclusion in an afterlife.
And so it goes…