Druze at IDF naval base in Haifa
This offshoot of early Islam now has little relationship to modern Islam. The Druze are scattered throughout the mountainous regions of Syria, Lebanon and Israel. They have traditionally been very secretive about their lives and little was known about their beliefs. They are now coming out of the woodwork and hosting small groups in their homes so that others can understand what they are about. It’s not so that you can be converted, as Druze is a closed shop. You have to be born into it, and if you marry outside the religion you are no longer part of the clan. They know that this means that their numbers are slowly dwindling. They believe in reincarnation for all of us, as one Druze dies the soul is born into another newborn Druze baby.
Who are the Druze? An enlightening talk with a Druze leader, former MK Ayoub Kara – and his combat soldier nephew, Majid.
Most of Israel’s Druze community are proudly Zionist, but some complain of discrimination