Q: When Will the U.S. Dollar Collapse? A: Look East! Here’s Why


If we want to better understand the answer to the elusive question of “When will the fiat US dollar collapse?”, we have to
 watch the petrodollar system and the factors affecting it….This is critically important, because once the dollar loses this coveted status…the destruction of the dollar is going to wipe out the wealth of a lot people, and that will cause political and social consequences that will likely be worse than the financial consequences.
The three points to understand here are:

  1. You absolutely must be internationalized before the US dollar loses its status as the premier reserve currency. Internationalization is your ultimate insurance policy.
  1. The U.S. dollar’s status as the premier reserve currency is tied to the petrodollar system.
  1. The sustainability of the petrodollar system is linked to Middle East geopolitics…. continue reading here

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