Purim 2012: Kill the “Anti-Semites”

By Michael Hoffman
On Purim 1994 Brooklyn-born Israeli settler Baruch Goldstein slaughtered 40 Palestinians while they prayed in Hebron.
On Purim 2003 the U.S. invaded the sovereign nation of Iraq, officially to eliminate illicit weapons of mass destruction but in reality to neutralize a possible Iraqi threat to the Israeli government. Nearly 5,000 dead Americans and a trillion dollars later and Iraq has been totally neutered, just as the Israelis and their American agents had hoped, notwithstanding the damage to the US economy and our service men and women.
In the run-up to Purim 2012, which begins on Wednesday evening March 7, Senator John McCain has called for a deficit-ridden America to undertake a multi-million dollar bombing of Syria, while Senator Joseph Lieberman, speaking at the Israeli lobby’s AIPAC conference, demanded a U.S. attack on Iran if the government of that Persian nation will not stop its non-existent nuclear weapons program. The German philosopher G.W.F. Hegel observed that the only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.
Ancient Race War Revived
J.D. Longstreet on the website of the “Save America Foundation: Patriots in Action” states: “Before Iran was renamed Iran it was Persia. The rift between the Jews and the Persians is not new. It goes back many centuries…It is impossible to read the book of Esther this week, especially, and not see the parallels between an ancient Jew approaching a great potentate asking for help to save the lives of the Jewish people. One can only hope Obama reacts as did King Ahasuerus and that Obama and Netanyahu can both enjoy a few of those famous “Haman’s Ear” cookies in celebration of the special occasion when the Jews were saved and Haman, the evil prime minister of Persia, did not succeed in his plot to kill all the Jews…”
On Sunday March 4 Herb Keinon wrote in the Jerusalem Post: “Netanyahu…will meet with US President Barack Obama on Monday to discuss how to stop a Persian tyrant interested in killing Jews. The meeting is just two days before Purim, a holiday retelling a similar tale, involving a Persian tyrant intent on killing Jews thousands of years earlier. Do not be surprised if Netanyahu somehow connects those two dots during public comments he will make in Washington.”
Why are we not surprised that, according to Israel National News, during the three hours that President Barack Obama spent with Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in the White House on March 5, “Netanyahu took the opportunity to draw a parallel between the narrative in the Book of Esther – wherein the wicked Haman seeks to destroy the Jewish people throughout the Persian Empire – with Israel’s modern day conflict with Iran…Iran is geographically Persia and the Iranians are descendants of the ancient Persians.”
A race war thousands of years old is invoked in deliberations of the President of the United States concerning our nation’s war policy. The modern nation of Iran is identified with the ancient nation of Persia by the Israeli Prime Minister and his supporters in the Zionist press and American “patriot” right wing. The high Persian official Haman is likened unto the officials of present day Iran. This would be little more than Grade B schlock movie fare were it not invested with international gravitas before our very eyes. The ancient racial stereotyping against which the rabbis and the media howl when applied to “the Jews,” is freely applied to the Iranians in the name of Israeli national survival and self-defense.
This contemporary racial targeting becomes more ominous when we consider that Haman was identified as part of the nation of Amalek which God ordered annihilated. In Christian teaching, the nation of Amalek is no longer mentioned. This belief is in accordance with the Bible at Deuteronomy 25:17-19 “to blot out the memory of Amalek from under Heaven.” Since Amalek is gone from the face of the earth and Bible-believers are to blot out his memory, those who keep the memory alive are in violation of God’s prophetic will. This defiance emanates from the Babylonian Talmud, which envisions an on-going war with Amalekites who are defined by 21st century rabbis as the anti-semites among us, meaning anyone who thwarts Zionism or Judaism.
In addition to the grave threat of extermination that this warped belief presents to the dehumanized people of Iran, it is also a warrant for the murder of all the opponents of Talmudic Judaism and the apartheid “State of Israel” who are classed as “anti-Semites,” whether or not they are Iranian.
“Amalek was the first anti-Semite”
Rabbi Eliezer Melamed is a leader of the violence-prone Israeli settler movement and the head of Yeshivat Har Bracha in the occupied West Bank of Palestine. He is esteemed as an authority on rabbinic law. His major works include his legal treatise, Pininei Halacha. Melamed uses his weekly column in the Israeli newspaper Basheva to advocate attacks (“vengeance”) on Palestinians by the Israeli government and the military: “We don’t aspire to private vengeance, but to state vengeance led by the Israel Defense Forces and all the systems of government.” (Cf. Haaretz, March 18, 2011).
Rabbi Melamed has declared that those who worship Jesus Christ are idolaters: “…they (Christians) still embrace idolatry, believing that ‘oto ha’ish’ [Jesus] is god and the messiah, who will be resurrected to redeem the world… This delusion that Jesus is the mashiach (messiah) is indeed a false belief. As we learned from the words of the Rambam (Moses Maimonides, Laws of Kings 11:4): ‘Jesus the Christian, who thought he was the Messiah… was the subject of a prophesy in the Book of Daniel (11:14): ‘…also the renegades of your people will exalt themselves to fulfill the vision – but they will stumble.’ Could there be a greater stumbling block than this [Jesus]?” (Emphasis supplied).
For Purim 2012, Rabbi Melamed has made the following declaration:
“Although the main mitzvah of wiping-out Amalek rests upon the community in general, every individual Jew is also obligated to fulfill this mitzvah. Therefore, if one comes upon an Amalekite and has chance to kill him, but does not – he has annulled this mitzvah (Sefer HaChinuch, 604). Amalek was the first anti-Semite…Today, the seed of Amalek has been lost; however, if (it) becomes clear that a certain person is an Amalekite, following in their ways, it would be a mitzvah (blessed deed) to kill him (see Kol Mevaser 2:42)…Only after evil is eradicated from the world can there be complete joy. Thus on Purim, after the obliteration of Haman and his sons, happiness is especially great.” Cf. Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, “Amalek: War Against the Root of Evil,” Israel National News, Feb. 28, 2012 (emphasis supplied).
Rabbi Melamed then creates an escape clause in case some people might be horrified at the notion of killing anyone labeled an “anti-Semite”: “…if an Amalekite decides to take upon himself the fulfillment of the Seven Mitzvoth of Noah’s Sons, according to Jewish law, there is no longer an obligation to kill him…”
The “Seven Mitzvoth of Noah’s Sons, according to Jewish law” (i.e. Talmudic law and successive halachos derived from it), decree death for idolaters. In Judaism worship of Jesus Christ is defined as avodah zorah (idol worship). “Anti-semitic” Amalekites and those who worship Jesus are subject to death. They can only escape capital punishment by accepting the Seven Mitzvoth of Noah’s Sons and denying that Jesus is God. This is what it means to “take upon” the “Seven Mitzvoth of Noah’s Sons” (Noachide Laws): the messiah status and divinity of Jesus Christ must be denied. The U.S. Congress is on record (Public Law 102-14) recommending the enactment of these misnamed “Noah” laws (in Orthodox Judaism the patriarch Noah is derided as a low character; cf. Judaism’s Strange Gods [2011] p. 108).

Purim Bacchanal: Judeo-Dionysiac debauchery
Like other pagan religions based on concepts derived from the ancient worship of strange gods which Yahweh abominates (Exodus 20:2-3), the pagan anti-Yahweh religion of Judaism venerates the god Dionysus in his incarnation as Bacchus, during the drunken Bacchanal conducted during Purim, when intoxicated Judaic men dress up as women, Arab terrorists (complete with mock suicide bomb belts), clowns and various animals.
Dionysius’ most common cult name in Greek was Bakch(e)ios; in Latin Bacchus, from which is derived the name of a drunken revel, the “Bacchanal.” The rites of Dionysus feature wearing masks, cross-dressing, impersonation and illusion. Walk the streets of Mea Shearim in Jerusalem or the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, New York during Purim and you will observe these rites being enacted. Dionysiac festivals in ancient times were accompanied by public drunkenness. Alcoholic intoxication is condemned by the Bible in Proverbs 20:1; 23:20; Romans 13:13; Ephesians 5:18; I Cor. 6: 9-10. Everyone from Rick Santorum to Patrick J. Buchanan refers to the civilization that originally gave rise to Europe and the United States of America as “Judeo-Christian.” They apply this term out of blatant disregard for the fact that Purim, one of the religion of Judaism’s holiest days, commands alcoholic intoxication and is marked by masquerading and cross-dressing.
In the Babylonian Talmud (BT) we read:
Rava said: One must become so intoxicated on Purim that he cannot distinguish between “Cursed is Haman” and “Blessed is Mordechai.” Rabbah and Rav Zeira celebrated the Purim feast together. They became intoxicated. Rabbah arose and slaughtered Rav Zeira. The next day, Rabbah prayed for mercy on Rav Zeira’s behalf and revived him. The following year, Rabbah said, “Let master come, and we will celebrate the Purim feast together.” Rav Zeira answered, “Not every time does a miracle occur.” (BT Megillah 7b).
In the preceding Talmudic account, a great “sage” of the Gemara declares that Judaics must get blind drunk on Purim. Another “sage” obeys and becomes so intoxicated that he slaughters another rabbi, and yet the killer merits having his resurrection wish agreed to by God: the rabbi who was killed by the drunk comes back from the dead. What part of this Judeo-Dionysiac debauchery and nonsense rightfully comprises a hyphenated partnership with Christians as represented by the term “Judeo-Christian”? (2 Cor. 6:14).
The “positive” side of Purim drunkenness: “Basic happiness is revealed”
“Although in general drunkenness is disgraceful, nevertheless, its positive sides cannot be ignored. As a consequence of intoxication, basic happiness is revealed, expressing physical, unrestrained joy, filled with power and vitality. Normally, however, the lust and depravity of drunkenness obscures its positive side, and as a result, it causes wildness and numerous obstacles. But on Purim, when we drink and take joy in the salvation of Hashem, remembering the miracle that was done by means of the feast, the positive sides of drinking are revealed.” –Rabbi Eliezer Melamed (Israel National News, March 3, 2012).
Alexander Hislop penned a best-selling book, The Two Babylons, which is a staple volume in some Protestant households. It is full of quotes and illustrations purporting to show that Roman Catholicism is allegedly a religion imbued with paganism. Most of these same Catholic-despising Protestant households are stubbornly yoked to one degree or another with the Talmud of Babylon and its rabbis, and will not acknowledge or seriously consider books that document that Judaism is a Babylonian belief system which uses the Bible only as a cover for its heathen madness and occult delusions.
As in 2003 under the administration of Republican President George W. Bush, in 2012 under the administration of Democrat President Barack Obama, pagan Purim continues to set the agenda for our nation’s foreign policy.

2 thoughts on “Purim 2012: Kill the “Anti-Semites”

  1. Rabbi Melamed never said that all anti-Semites should be killed — he wrote that all Amalekites should be killed, and also wrote that today, we don’t know who Amalek is. You are purposely lying, and I hope you have a good lawyer!

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