Prisoner child Muhammad Abdul Jaber .. suffers from inflammation of the heart valve

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr


Nazi occupied Jerusalem: The child Muhammad Abdel Jaber (17 years), from the town of Hazma, northeast of the Nazi occupied Jerusalem, is suffering permanently due to an inflammation of his heart valve, amid deliberate medical neglect by the occupation against him.

The captive club said that the occupation is holding Muhammad in “Damoon” prison, under harsh humanitarian conditions, where there is no adequate treatment or food.

The club added that the Nazi occupation forces arrested Muhammad, on March 26, 2019, and he is still arrested, and according to his mother, the fatigue and emaciation were clearly evident from his features in the court session that was held last Wednesday.

His mother was unable to check on him, as the Nazi occupation court prevented the prisoners ’families from speaking with their children during the trial session.

His mother appealed to “the competent authorities and the Red Cross to intervene urgently, in order to save her son and his companions who are subjected to systematic abuse.”

The Nazi occupation is holding approximately 200 Palestinian children, who are distributed in “Ofer”, “Damoun” and “Megiddo” Nazi camps.

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