Press TV: US National Security Set for de-Israelization?


US national security set for de-Israelization?

US President Barack Obama (C) speaks during a news conference with chief counterterrorism adviser John Brennan (L), and former US Sen. Chuck Hagel at the White House in Washington, DC, January 7, 2013.US President Barack Obama (C) speaks during a news conference with chief counterterrorism adviser John Brennan (L), and former US Sen. Chuck Hagel at the White House in Washington, DC, January 7, 2013.

“With the White House staffed by Israeli citizens and Homeland Security, with the courts stacked with crooked judges, bought by campaign contributions from drug cartels, laundered through “Citizens United,” there may well not be enough America to save.”

The current nominee for US Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, and new CIA Director nominee, John Brennan, are apparently being tasked with “undoing” years of disastrous interference in US defense and intelligence functions, cited by Hagel as “political in nature,” in order to restore a semblance of American control over its national security.
Intelligence insiders cite Hagel for standing up to Bush advisor Karl Rove and former Vice President Dick Cheney, when their actions led to not only the use of America’s defense, intelligence and justice systems for private gain (drug dealing) and cheap politics but, in fact, giving full and absolute control over all military and intelligence functions to the Likudists in Israel.
The result of this disastrous turn of events was more than just 9/11 and two wars. In truth, the CIA has been gutted and turned over to foreign control, other agencies crippled and the Department of Homeland Security and, to a lesser extent, the FBI, have become little more than Mossad “front” organizations.
The most controversial appointment since the Israel lobby took control of America’s government, some say 1967, some use dates as late as 1972, has been the nomination of Senator Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense by President Obama.
Despite the fact that Hagel is a Republican and will be the first enlisted combat veteran ever to serve as “Sec Def.,” something the military has prayed for, at the behest of the Israel lobby, their Neocon acolytes and specific criminal elements within the world financial community, a massive effort to attack and discredit Hagel has taken on steam.
Hagel’s famous statement, “I am a United States senator, not an Israeli senator,” is being portrayed by “friends of Israel,” including nearly every member of the Republican Party at every level in the US, as “treasonous.”
The spoof publication, “The Onion,” published the following satirical statement:

“JERUSALEM-Top-ranking government officials in Jerusalem confirmed Tuesday that Israel would exercise its longstanding, constitutionally granted veto power over American policy if U.S. lawmakers confirmed retired congressman Chuck Hagel as the United States’ next Secretary of Defense. ‘In light of Mr. Hagel’s worrying remarks on Israeli-Palestinian relations and questionable classification of Israeli interests as ‘the Jewish lobby,’ we consider him a highly inappropriate choice for Defense Secretary who stands far out of line with our national priorities, and therefore we are prepared to swiftly and resolutely use our official veto power over this U.S. action,’ said Israeli ‘ spokesperson Mark Regev of the legal maneuver that … [Israel] has employed to block U.S. Cabinet nominees, U.S. legislation, U.S. international relations, and U.S. domestic policy over 1,400 times… ‘Because congress does not possess the necessary nine-tenths majority to override an Israeli veto, they’ll have no choice but to head back to the drawing board and provide a Defense Secretary whom we find more suitable.’

Sources confirmed that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had sent the White House a list of three individuals the Israeli leader considered appropriate to head the American military from which U.S. President Barack Obama could choose.”
There is a nasty reality behind the humor of The Onion. The reality involves intelligence disasters well beyond the admitted failures the US has in the area of human intelligence.
During the Bush administration, all efforts were made to use only technology-based intelligence sources, signals interception, satellites, drones, and use only minimal “human intelligence,” generally unreliable informants often as not “handed” to us by Israel or drug cartels.
In truth, the “market” for real intelligence “dried up.” No one in the Bush administration, which included the “gutted” Pentagon, run by the dregs of the service academies, “Dispensationalists” (Apocalypse worshipers), Freemasons and those paid by or blackmailed by Israel.
With the White House staffed by Israeli citizens and Homeland Security, with the courts stacked with crooked judges, bought by campaign contributions from drug cartels, laundered through “Citizens United,” there may well not be enough America to save.
The initial move, by the Defense Intelligence Agency, is to put into the field up to 2000 intelligence assets, which they say will be trained by the CIA.
Congress prohibits the DIA from active involvement in clandestine operation, “black ops,” rendition, assassination and such.
The DIA would, should they choose to carefully follow their mandate, be limited to intelligence gathering alone.
However, this move is more than just a vote of “no confidence” for the CIA. It is open admission that Bush-era policies, torture, rendition and reliance on Israeli assets, assets with an agenda often inconsistent with US security, have led to disaster.
Brennan’s task at CIA will be the most daunting of all. It will be his task to disassemble the “cult of deception” that former Vice President Cheney built around the Joint Special Operations Command, a “hijacked” filtering group and genuinely rogue command, outside any oversight, Pentagon, Congress, even the commander in Chief, and which is now seen as responsible for the great intelligence failures, responsible for the war crimes and, moreover, responsible for two failed wars.
A greater unspoken and seemingly unaddressed threat is that of the drug cartels, those from Mexico, Central America and the Southern Hemisphere and the world’s heroin trade, grown up around the US occupation of Afghanistan, not just heroin but marijuana, hashish and other drugs as well.
The influx of drugs, the inflow of cash and the penetration of financial organization and political parties, particularly the GOP, has made this unaddressed aspect of intelligence failure a particular threat.
Were investigations to tie the drug cartels to the Bush White House, much would be explained and much understood.
We would then see how official policy as outlined in Afghanistan under Special Envoy Richard Holbrooke, could openly advocate narcotics trade as a desirable methodology for US support.
No effort has yet to be made to admit the threat of corruption or, more importantly, to outline the horrific damage that drug corruption has already had at nearly every level of American existence, from military, intelligence, justice and courts and, especially Congress, the presidency and the powerful financial oligarchies that have long controlled America’s political system.
Lead among those oligarchies is the Israel lobby, as demonstrated by Sheldon Adelson during the recent presidential election. On demand, Adelson could give a million here, a hundred million there.
Adelson is only one of many, though, perhaps, “the biggest fish in the pool.”
With all governmental agendas, national security and defense, monetary policy, economic regulation and taxation, environment, those and more, totally dependent on special interest groups powered by laundered cash, often actual “dons” in multinational criminal organizations, there may well be no discernible government to inform, no people or nation to defend, only masters and those bred to serve.
Thus, attempts to make intelligence agencies accountable to American interests again will, we are certain, bring about significant “blow back.” Thus, we see the storm clouds gathering, the attempts to destroy Chuck Hagel.
What we should ask is simple: Why do so many powerful individuals, those who tell us they dedicate their lives to serving America, who speak of patriotism with every breath, openly serve criminal organizations, openly take orders from foreign countries whose agenda has proven to be inconsistent with America’s?

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