by Jalal Abukhater
On the last Friday of Ramadan, mass peaceful protests will take place under “Knocking on Jerusalem’s doors” slogan. Palestinians, Israelis and International activists will gather onfour gates which lead to Jerusalem. More details in the press release below.
I myself am a citizen of Jerusalem, but there are over 3.5 million Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza who are constantly denied entry to the illegally occupied city of Jerusalem. Palestinians are required to have Israeli issued permits to be able to enter Jerusalem. Despite the process of getting those permits being filled with humiliation, the chance that they will be given the permits is very low. Palestinians will challenge Israel’s illegal policies in the newly launched “Olive Revolution“ campaign.
Olive Revolution
August 23, 2011
We from the Olive Revolution (popular revolution and national humanitarian non-armed revolution against the Israeli occupation) start the campaign ‘knocking on doors of Jerusalem’ Part of Jerusalem week activities as a response to all the Israeli policies of Judaizing Jerusalem and systimatically denying Palestinians entry to the occupied city. We state that Jerusalem will remain the jewel of the Arabs and capital of our future country. Jerusalem is the symbol of our pride and our national dignity that’s why we are going to knock on its doors by popular demonstrations and non-violent activities which start with the Friday prayers on the 26th of August 2011. We are planning to knock on four doors:
1. The Northern section Qalandia.
2. The Western section of the Apartheid Wall in the village of Biddu, northwest of Jerusalem.
3. The Eastern door in Shufat.
4. The Southern door at Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem.
The honorable speakers: Aziz Dweik, Mahmoud Habash, Taysir Tamimi and Yusuf Jamal will join us as the Friday’s speakers in the four places mentioned.
Members of the Legislative Council, Ministers, Members of the Central Committees & offices of political parties and factions will be present at the four doors. We are also keen to organize a demonstration at Beit Hanoun set to take place simultaneously with ‘the people knocking on the doors’ of our beloved Jerusalem demonstrations.
Olive Revolution in coordination with the Central Committee for the right of return march declares that this event will take place within the week celebrating Jerusalem day/youm AlQuds in Palestine.
We would be honored by your participation; we welcome your ideas and suggestions for any further activities which express our appreciation and importance of the city of Jerusalem.
It’s an ongoing revolution until we achieve freedom, justice and peace for all.