Dear All
President Obama will soon stand before Congress and deliver the last State of the Union address before the election. Pundits are already talking about the speech as a kickoff for the election and a referendum on what’s already happened.
But what issues will the President talk about? And will your Representatives stand with the 99% or sit on their hands?
If we want to focus the debate on the issues that matter and get the most powerful politicians in America to stand up for the 99%, this is our moment.
Click here to ask the President to stand up for you and the 99% in his speech, and for your Representatives to stand with him. Then, on January 24, we’ll all tune in together online to see who listens and who’s with the 1%.
For added impact you can share your story of how the last four years have affected you, your family, or your community. We’ll share the best stories with press and lawmakers to prove that when Congress and the President act for the 99%, it gets noticed and improves lives.
What kind of stories will help us win in 2012?
Have you or a family member received health care after being denied care by private insurance companies for a ‘pre-existing condition’?
Are you or your kids one of the 2.5 million young adults who can now receive their parent’s health care due to the Affordable Care Act?
Can you or a friend now serve proudly as a gay or lesbian service member?
Or do you know someone home from Iraq in time for the holidays?
Do you or your children get to go to college more easily because Pell Grants were significantly expanded?
Are you a Medicare recipient in the ‘donut hole’ who has saved 50% on prescription drugs?