Police arrest 17-year-old for attack of Arab woman


by crescentandcross

(צילום: דורית יורדן דותן)

Young woman of Binyamin settlement questioned over her alleged part in last week’s attack of Arab woman in Jerusalem; suspect cites ‘self-defense’

ed note–remember that in the Jewish mindset, ALL violence against Gentiles is ‘self-defense’. Barch Goldstein going into a mosque and gunning down 30 Muslim worshippers, machine gunning them in the back, was ‘self-defense’. Israel’s attack on the USS LIBERTY in 1967 that killed 34 Americans was ‘self defense’.Israel’s involvement in 911 and the deaths of 3,000 Americans was ‘self defense’.

Judaism and the violent, pathological  mindset it produces must come up with psychological constructs such as this in order for it to exist amidst the rest of the non-Jewish world, lest the adherents of this mad religion begin to question the actions of their fellow travellers and instead try and find a way to live in peace with the rest of the non-Jewish world.

The Jerusalem police arrested a 17-year-old girl from the West Bank settlement of Binyamin Sunday, on suspicion that she may have been involved in the attack on an Arab woman in Jerusalem last Monday.

The teen denied all the allegation and according to her, any altercation she may have been involved in was the result of self-defense. She stressed she had been attacked first.

The suspect’s family is very well known in the religious Zionism milieu, and according to a friend of the family, “She is modest and quiet. We find it hard to believe she would attack anyone. If anything, she and her friends were attacked and defended themselves.”

The teen’s defense attorney, Itamar Gvir, added that “This is a spin, advocated by a radical left activist who took the pictures and simply reversed reality.”
The police have launched an investigation into an alleged assault of an Arab woman in Jerusalem on Monday.
Dorit Yorden-Dotan, a witness to last week’s attack said that a group of Jewish women were physically assaulting an Arab woman near the Light Rail station in the Kiryat Moshe neighborhood, hitting and yelling at her.

Other later insisted that the Arab woman was the one to initiate the attack, and whether the motive was racist remains unclear.

Yorden-Dotan told Ynet last week: “A young religious Jewish woman who passed by the station suddenly punched the Arab woman in the face, while she was standing there. When the woman tried to defend herself, the attacker’s friends came to her assistance, started hitting her and pushed her toward the station’s wall.

“They yelled at her ‘Don’t you dare touch a Jew,’ and ‘you have no business being here.’ The Light Rail security guard was there but he did nothing, he didn’t get involved,” she added.

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