Pissing On Jesus–Just a “Drop in the Bucket” as Far as Jewish Interests are Concerned

“Dishonoring Christian religious symbols is an old religious duty in Judaism. Spitting on the cross, and especially on the Crucifix, and spitting when a Jew passes a church, have been obligatory from around AD 200 for pious Jews. In the past, when the danger of anti-Semitic hostility was a real one, the pious Jews were commanded by their rabbis either to spit so that the reason for doing so would be unknown, or to spit onto their chests, not actually on the cross or openly before the church. The increasing strength of the Jewish state has caused these customs to become more open again.”
—Professor Israel Shahak, former Israeli citizen and holocaust survivor

“I still remember old Jews spitting while passing by a church, and cursing the dead while passing by a Christian cemetery. Last year in Jerusalem, a Jew decided to refresh the tradition. He spat at the Holy Cross carried in the procession along the city. Even today, Jews in Israel refer to Jesus by the demeaning word Yeshu (instead of Yeshua), meaning “Perish his name”. In a similar pun, the New Testament Gospel is called “Avon Gilaion”, the booklet of Sin. These are the endearing feelings that the friends of Christian Zionists maintain towards Christ.”

—Israel Shamir, Israeli Jew turned Christian writer and anti-Zionist
Honestly, as crazy as it sounds, I don’t know what stinks worse, the very-Jewish “comedian” Larry David pissing on a picture of Jesus in one of his recent shticks or a bunch of pissed-off Christianites pissing and moaning over it.
Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I’m not outraged too, but at the same time I can’t help but laugh as I watch the gathering storm.
And again, it’s not for lack of outrage on my part, but rather because the shock value has worn off for me. Once you realize this kind of thing (meaning the Jews defaming Jesus in the most banal, vile and vulgar ways) is as natural as a baby with poor potty training messing his pants, there’s a certain amount of, “Well DUHHH, whaddya expect???” to it all and you sort of learn to “go with the flow”, no pun intended.
Consider it all–The VERY-Jewish Larry David urinating on a picture of Jesus on a VERY-Jewish TV program produced, written by, and starring Jews? IN JEWISH HOLLYWOOD? You mean TODAY, when Jews and Christians are getting along so fabulously and with the latter forking over their blood, sweat and tears in propping up the Jewish state and fighting all her wars for her in the Middle East?
Well of course they–meaning the Jews–would do such a thing. Besides the fact they cornered the market on potty humor a long time ago, as well their using Jesus’ face as a piss pot is every bit in congress with their organically anti-Christian nature as a dog lifting his leg next to a fire hydrant. This is something that Christianites more than anyone else should be aware of, as well as the fact that the aforementioned “brilliant” shtick (as it is now being described by Jewish critics) with the very-Jewish Larry David is certainly not a one-time event.
It has been like this for 2,000 years…After all, the Jews have been in a pissy mood since literally day one when Jesus came riding into town and peed on their whole “We’re the Chosen people of God” parade. By holding a mirror up to their faces and showing them what kind of jerks they really were He made Himself public enemy #1, a position He has maintained since that time. His refusing to go along with their delusional “we can do whatever the f*** we want to anyone, anywhere at anytime”collective mindset and then exposing them as the haughty, racist, self-worshiping, lying, thieving, blind, psychopathic banditos they were has resulted in a 20-centuries long pissing contest on the part of these people in seeing who could outdo the other in disrespecting and defaming the very men sent to save the world from this dangerous cult.
Truth be told, we should all be thankful in a sense that the only thing taking place (as of now) was this filthy, inbred troglodyte pissing on a picture of Jesus. It could (and probably WILL BE) much worse in the days to come. Remember, the Jews are a people whose religion teaches that Jesus was a sorcerer, a sex pervert and a false prophet who is paying for the unforgivable sin of trying to liberate the Jewish people by being boiled in a giant vat of semen and feces. Wonder how long before they try THAT stunt on TV or the big screen?
Furthermore, now that the Jews have their nuclear-armed nation and hold the bulk of the Christian West by the family jewels in terms of media, economics and control of her various governments, they know they can basically “let it all hang out” without fear of any substantive backlash. Whereas before they scurried like cockroaches when the light switch was flicked on, now they merely don their sunglasses and continue on with business as usual.
In a sense, I’m glad the whole episode has taken place. As awful as it sounds and as much as I try not to be one of those “I told you so” types, this is precisely what the doctor ordered in terms of what the Christian world needs. Now that the Jews are living large and in charge and are not bothering to hide how they REALLY feel about the rest of the non-Jewish world (and particularly Christians) it is a breath of fresh air, despite as bad as it smells. From Sarah Silverman’s “I hope the Jews DID kill Christ…I’d fucking do it again, in a second” to the recent skit appearing on Israel’s channel 10 TV with the very-Jewish talk show host Lior Shlein entitled “Like a Virgin” (depicting the holy mother of Jesus as a girl of loose morals who pleasured herself with a whole assortment of devices) to the recent urination presentation by Larry David, I cannot help but be relieved, again, no pun intended.
The reason for this is not because I get any pleasure in seeing Jesus treated so disrespectfully. If I could be king for just 15 minutes the very first thing I would do with sewer rats like Larry David, Jerry Seinfeld, Lior Shlein, Sarah Silverman et al is to reunite them with their natural environment by flushing them and their filth down the toilet were they belong.
Rather, it’s because events like these function as smelling salts that Christianites need to whiff if they are to ever wake up from the deadly sleep they are in and in which they have placed the rest of the world. As a result of the delusions they entertain concerning their ‘better brethren’ in the Jewish community (namely their divine status and how God’s gonna be REALLY pissed if the Holy Land isn’t occupied by these depraved creatures) they have literally set loose plague after plague upon the rest of the world, the only end in site to it all being the “Big One”, meaning Armageddon.
As cynical as it sounds, IF (and that is a BIG if) there is any outrage on the part of our Christianite leaders, rest assured it is not necessarily because they are offended at Jesus being treated so disrespectfully by Jewish interests. Rather it is because it puts them in the difficult position of having to conjure up a believable explanation to their mindless, non-thinking followers as to why the wonderful, innocent, enlightened, pure-as-the-wind-driven-snow Chosenites would do such a thing, while at the same time trying to avoid discussion of the obvious–the fact that it is all intrinsically tied to the organically anti-Christian behavior on the part of Jewish interests.
That’s assuming anything about it gets said from the priests, pastors and preachers across the fruited plane at all. Almost down to the last “man” (and I use that term lightly) they have all testified to the fact their fear of getting sideways with the Jews overpowers their fear of getting sideways with God. More than likely, it will be the Muslim groups making the most noise (as is usually the case) rather than the lukewarm, Judaized Christianites who will simply fall back on the old, worn out and misapplied “turn the other cheek” and “meek as doves” routine.
What whining from the Christianites that does take place however will actually be more unbearable than the snickering on the part of the Chosenites, if such can be imagined. As bad as it is (the idea of defacing a picture of Jesus in such manner as accomplished by the bigotted troglodyte Larry David and his partners in La Kosher Nostra) it does not compare with the greater sins done to the millions of people in the Middle East born out of both support for and silent acquiescence to Jewish demands from the Christian community in the west. Where was their outrage over a million Iraqis being killed in 5 years of war for the benefit of world-wide Jewry? Where was their outrage when for-the-most-part Christian villages were bombed into oblivion by the Jews in the summer of 2006, killing over 1,000? Where was it when–a mere 2 days after Christmas–the same Goddamned Jews producing, directing, acting in and celebrating the recent “Piss Christ” episode bombed Gaza, resulting in 1,500 men, women and children being incinerated, shot and blown to pieces?
Having stayed quiet over the assault on Jesus’ teachings with regards to the genocide waged by the Jews in the aforementioned places, they really ought to just stay quiet over this one as well.
Now some, in the interest of drawing some imaginary, non-existent distinction between the very-Jewish Larry David and those “good, religious Jews” who would NEVER resort to something as pornographic as emptying their bladder on a religious picture of Jesus will try to say it is a case of comparing apples to oranges.
Not true. Larry David can be considered a “good Jew” for what he did, whether he is a true believer or (as most Jews are these days) an atheist. According to the law handed down by Moses it is the duty of all “good Jews” to stone to death anyone who comes amongst them preaching different traditions, which certainly Jesus did. Since they cannot stone to death a man they already killed 20 centuries past, the least they can do is subject his memory to a continued death, which they most certainly do on a daily basis through their control of the media and churches in the west.
Of course, the real pisser in all of it is–as always–the staggering hypocrisy associated with it. If it were a “Christian” show written by, produced, directed and starring “Christians” and one of its skits featured two Christians going into the house of a Jew and dowsing a copy of Anne Frank’s Diary we’d all be in a real big mess for who knows how long. 
When Jews do it however, it is “bright, witty, brilliant and hilarious”. And yet they still have the gall to wonder why they are the most persecuted (translation–hated for good reasons) people in history. The silence on the part of all the typical noisemakers (ADL, SPLC et al) constantly shilling about the dangers of “anti-Semitism” in shrieking tones proves they obviously are not worried about it in the least.
And the real miracle is that without missing a beat, the anti-Islamic chorus warning about the “dangers of the Islamic fifth column” will continue as if the aforementioned had never even taken place.
Given that the contribution to our modern world by Jewish interests is–with few exceptions–mere raw sewage (be it war, economic exploitation, pornography, murder of the unborn, political/cultural corruption and a general malaise as far as morality goes) this latest outrage is for all intents and purposes a mere drop in the bucket, again, no pun intended.
What those in the Christian world offended by this latest display by the very Jewish Larry David need to realize however is that the Jews are just-a-getting’ warmed up and that, as bad as it is now, we ain’t seen nothin yet.

One thought on “Pissing On Jesus–Just a “Drop in the Bucket” as Far as Jewish Interests are Concerned

  1. I just wanted to give all you terrorist a hearty YOU! Oh I also hope you a slow and painfuL from the disease you caughT goats.

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