PFLP demands all hidden facts about negotiations be revealed to Palestinian public

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) has demanded hidden information relating to the resumption of bilateral negotiations be revealed to the Palestinian public. The Front also urged the Executive Committee of the PLO to take up its responsibilities and duties toward the Palestinian people, who are being ignored, marginalized and denied information that has been kept secret about the “resumption of direct negotiations,” as the U.S. State Department defined the process.
The Front said that the U.S. Secretary of State’s promise to the Palestinian side, and its pledge to the Israeli side that it would be recognized as a “Jewish state” negate each other, and deny the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and fundamentally deny the Palestinian narrative. This comes in addition to the fact that accepting the State Department’s pledge of “based on the 1967 borders” itself defies the decision of the PLO Central Council and the position of the national and Islamic forces.
Further, the Front warned of manipulation that links the natural and legal right of prisoners to be released, to providing new concessions and so-called “progress in the negotiations.” The Front said that Kerry’s pledges are themselves a retreat from the commitments of former U.S. president Bush, who spoke of ending the occupation that began in 1967, and is reminiscent of the earlier unheeded pledges of the rounds of Mitchell, Ross, Indyk, Condoleeza Rice, and U.S. President Obama at the beginning of his previous term at Cairo University.
This situation requires everyone to raise the voice of our people high to reject negotiations and condemn the suppression of freedoms, arrests and assault by the Palestinian Authority security apparatus against the demnostrators who marched against the negotiations, and to demand the restoration of national unity.
The Front said that relying on these pledges, based on the misleading U.S. policy, is dragging the Palestinian negotiators to continue the pursuit of a mirage of American solutions. Furthermore, it is part of a strategy of deception to cover up the implementation of the schemes of the occupation to Judaize the land and holy places, the displacement of Palestinian people, and to enable the occupying power to circumvent the growing isolation, international pressure, and the international movement for boycott and anti-normalization, while attempting to return the question of Palestine to the morass of liquidation and loss.

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