Life Press – soft Mohammed – because the Palestinian factions and
movements are an essential part of the Palestinian political scene, and of interest to more than one-third of the Palestinian people, decided to ‘Life Press’ the establishment of a media tradition Bmhaorh every Palestinian faction in-depth manner on the anniversary of the start up, perhaps because there are questions raised only In these occasions Kalosilh existential and cash basis, and because it is the optimal station for each faction in order to see himself in the mirror, without compliments.
Without compliments us was particularly lengthy dialogue of life with the Press representative of the Popular Front in Algeria Salah Mohammed, which spotted the Popular Front’s position on key issues to be deposited by the Palestinian political arena in 2014.
Front celebrated Alhobeihqubl days, in the Palestine territories and the diaspora, the anniversary 47 of its launch, how do you evaluate its course of struggle?
We usually our national tradition follow him in such a occasions, and pause to assess the national sense and draw the public and private lessons, where we go wrong and where we were; and except for lessons and political struggle within the record and affirm in such a suitable loyalty to our martyrs and our leaders of the martyrs and all our prisoners in Israeli prisons to continue Mserthmwalndhal National Althrrihty full achievement of our goals, the goals of our people.
Certainly passes our national struggle difficult circumstances, Vemoaslh march is a kind of challenge to these conditions and the fulfillment of our objectives and, yes, the anniversary of our foundation is considered for us station; and you know that the issue is not only the subject of 47 years, ie 05 decades, we are essentially an extension of the Arab Nationalist Movement, which we branch Palestinian, and the movement was founded in the early fifties and has played a major role in promoting the written and democratic climate, and contributed to the advancement of Alqomifi the fifties and sixties throughout the region Arabahoukadt struggle against the British in Yemen, Iraq and Libya … etc, the movement founded by a group of Palestinians and Arabs immediately after the catastrophe the likes of Dr. George Habash, after so closely the developments that were taking place in the Palestinian issue and the climate of struggle at the end of the sixties, beginning Sbaanatartia that Tstqlfrua movement, there is no more centralized system with […], this is the origin of the Popular Front; true that the Front was founded on 11 December 1 | December 1967, but the deep roots the center of its people, it is not strange bacon, […] until the early eighties, was the first faction in the Gaza Strip […], and in the camps Thdidogirha […].
Of the radical left, which was described by the Popular Front since its founding and the hijacking of quality and processes to recognize the legitimacy of the Zionist presence in Palestine of the 48 … what happened?
Is it possible to see the front review its position on this point specifically?
First do not, it must be correct question, we did not recognize at all, not one day, the recognition of the Zionist entity.
… But when talking about the front of a Palestinian state on the ’67 borders, with its capital in East Jerusalem, is not this an implicit recognition of the so-called (Israel)?
Absolutely, and I will explain the situation: It is true that we are, but more than one factor, and we agreed to progress logo of the PLO, which provides for the right of return, self-determination and establish their independent state with its capital in Jerusalem, however, and despite the fact that these titles mean to detail many things, and of course if you notice these titles written off came from the Palestinian or of Palestinian politics logo, and it remained almost exclusively on the Palestinian state with Jerusalem.
Or rather for the remainder of the territory of the 67 (?)
Yes, […] However, we are of what we have agreed on this progress logo and specifically the body of this position of the Palestinian National Council, which was held in Algeria in the Declaration of Independence on 15 October 2 | November 1988 we had the vision Astratih and still armed with them; and can almost be, with a full appreciation of our partners the struggle, the only force that links between the strategic progress slogan and logo, and impossible to Annan Yi
Interior our mobilization or public discourse be Mdzu, there is a thread for us between progress logo right of return and self-determination and independent state, which later became an independent state on the borders of 67, and later also [about] the limits of 67 became the talk of reciprocity and … etc.
Foreign our own internal Vfayaltabih there link between the logo and the historic Palestine, and this vision, and we consider any achievement is achieved through our struggle for liberation Mrtbtabalhar strategic sense […] democratic state of Palestine from the river to-Mer, from north to south.
It does not mean recognition of Israel?
Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely, this is not out of the question, we even resolutions of the United Nations does not recognize them, I mean even some Kadtnamthel George Habash refused to return because of the subject, ‘no shows Alasraiala’any.
During the seventies leadership Aljbhaoa Wadih Haddad managed to hijack a plane and go to Algeria, without warning, then interfered with the leaders of Fatah resident here in Algeria, the Algerian authorities have confirmed that the process ‘COOKED intelligence Egyptian’ as far as notaries of the event expression, and the operation ended in failure.
Was Wadih Haddad isolated incident or whether the conflicts and lack of confidence among nations and factions also among them, have the greatest responsibility in the shrinking armed resistance against the occupier to ultimately summed up in a patch metal Gaza?
We were at a certain stage, especially at the beginning of the armed Antlaqhulkipah in 1967, and was the launch of a wide and comprehensive Palestinian revolution and national factions, the fact that the conditions ripe and ready [at the time] sense of moral and Allowaqaatava; we, for example, popular as a front, we had the military branches, as young people, revenge and the heroes return, Even before the 67, 64, these Kanwaalhhda first to Sagtuaa south of Hebron and southern Lebanon, and Oboscran Kobuwimana … etc. The nature of stage sets sometimes the nature of work, Vartoana at that point that we need that external action to fight the enemy, and it was our motto at that point: ‘behind enemy everywhere’, and this is a natural thing the Israeli enemy liquidate Palestinian militants wherever they found them and we do not (?), There was open our front and we need this type of work; it was our thinking, in that period, that this Alamda’oa struggle, opinion Amaraba, Palestinian and international, we give ourselves a national issue was isolated, the situation of the Arab was a media sense is weak, and the Zionist media, Western and colonial, or a large part of it, was in solidarity with the Zionist movement, and therefore we need for this type of work.
Then after that exhausted this work objectives and Agafnah immediately, almost as before the mid-seventies, […] Within this context came [process] Altabahlal plane to Algeria.
But in general, you could say that the Arab regimes did not live up perhaps, politically at least, to the level of liberation movements for the sake of Palestine, and yet they still do not live up?
Difficult to put everyone in one basket, certainly now see the Arab situation, and when wondering why [the emergence of] some organizations that used the Islamic religion in order to achieve far from the Arab and Muslim people goals metal Daash, and why it spread so quickly (?) It is true that there are external factor , hardware and Western countries […] have an interest in breaking up our country and breaking the national our countries but ‘let the field to Humaidan’, not of nature but Aaltarej abhors a vacuum; there are Arab regime ramshackle Arab states are weak, these groups came and the place was ready regardless of our assessment of them are outside our frame historical its methods and posed, this liberation movements do not consider it at all related to the liberation movements.
And a large part of the official Arab organization linked, and the sons of Kmassalh political, imperial politics, very clearly. Take now, for example, the subject of oil, of which the top of the oil issue launched this economic war (?) It is true that purpose Russia and Iran, but Algeria and other Arab developing countries affected, Saudi Arabia are the leaders, and is proud of the Saudis and proud, decision-American and implementation Saudi; then there part of the official policy of the HRA is not an Arab, and American policy linked to the decision of US dictates, and not the logic of the alliance, but the logic of dependency is caudal US policy, with the aim of self, family and protection of the chair and the UK … etc. And not only this, we touch that part of the official Arab Foundation may play a negative role the direction of the Palestinian cause. During the recent terrorist war waged by the Zionist regime on Gaza […], its end, Netanyahu said: ‘We benefited from this war and become our new allies in Arab region ‘.
… And even what appeared in the media recently about Lieberman travel to Paris in order to meet Gulf character (?)
Yes, developments now exposes part of the official Arab Foundation, this is not new and we are sure that the historical sense, part of the Arab organization is linked to the American dictates, from behind the scenes, and does not work at all in favor of the Palestinian cause, on the contrary Hoeetmny infanticide and national Palestinian struggle and wishes Cyprna because, Nhodhana period and until now, Huejhy that is received climates and the repercussions of the Palestinian National Action interaction and up the Arab masses, contrast and so be faithful, do not deny that the last part of the official Arab Foundation has national affiliation Arabic, but Asalihafez for his support of the Palestinian national liberation struggle of political and physical sense [… ] as states of resistance and opposition, and we did them all the respect, but you now notice that our assessment of the political positions of the direction of our national struggle differs from our assessment of the political positions of all the seventies stage or eighties, and our barometer differed because our situation differed developments cosmic also, I must take that into account.
Observers see the libertarian movement in Palestine, that the popularity of leftist movements tumbled with the rise of Islamic movements, today Haalaqatkm and what your vision for factions such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and even Hezbollah?
Is there an ideological conflict between the national and Islamic factions?
Start with the last question, the ideological struggle of the question at all for us, of course, a natural thing that all the liberal forces are free to its point of view, but the foundation is Aligned liberal national cause and for the people, so in the Palestinian national framework In our framework, the subject of ideological conflict is out of the question at all ; we are guided in all human thought, including the Islamic thought, and are guided by other experiments and we have a long map of Vietnam to Algeria, Latin America, and recently we had a pause there, it is true that Vifterh seventies happened kind of collision and we are not of so decides, and that was before Hamas movement formed , which was the Palestinian wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, […] because then Alajoanlm stream adopts after the armed struggle.
But it later changed and developments played a role and has imposed itself, the more intense the existing historic conflict with the Zionists produced whenever a new power struggle, and this latest interaction within the organizations that they reject the former was armed struggle. And the relationship now with Jihad and Hamas is a partnership relationship combative certainly, and not out of the question where, at least on our part, the subject of ideological conflict at all, because there is a ‘story’ national, and there is for us a thing as a contradiction, the main rivalry with Alagelaia bloody entity and all those who supported, and this It is a contradiction; and our duty is to mobilize all national strengths and our factions in the face of this contradiction, not only that but also our duty to postpone all internal conflicts for the benefit of this main contradiction; without Zlkiattabr Ngliballmsalehh factional on the national interest, always Fbouseltna are giving priority to the position that [hurt] in favor of the issue, National Struggle, the supreme national interest, even at our expense, and a lot […] what we sometimes lose seats in the PLO … etc. Because we are taking a political position which we believe is for the benefit of the Palestinian cause.
Notes harmony spontaneous attitudes between Jihad and the front about a lot of issues: the rejection of division and attempts to mediate though shy of both Hamas and Fatah, rejected the Oslo accords and negotiations are described as ‘absurd’ of both factions, to what extent can think of forming the front and Jihad to block stressful, that was Fatah and Hamas or power, and aimed weigh on the Palestinian political decision?
Within certain limits, as long as there is converging in the direction of political vision articulated plants, natural something that he be some kind of coordination.
Does this mean that there is coordination between the front and jihad?
There are meetings and there like, I do not know maybe origin of the two destinations is born this intersection in the political sense, although it, as kindly than before, there is a difference of ideologically; And they did there intersection, and at least a leader in the sense touch Onauda between the two leaderships, did not reach the daily coordination formula or formation something in common; and by the way we do not have a reservation with any forces towards the national goal, and the main contradiction and rivalry with the occupation in the context of the historical clash.
We now ask, for example, in the Palestinian national framework, in our reading of the People’s endowment, which now occur in the West and Jerusalem, the formation of a unified national leadership is leading the popular struggle, and a follow up to the sector, there is now a permanent meetings, specifically in the Gaza Strip.
According to the electronic encyclopedia Wikipedia, the Popular Front does not participate in the government, is this case is considered normal in view of the fact that in front of members. T. P?
We feel that this is consistent with remember when, we are of the Foundation powers of the PLO, and differentiate precisely between the PLO as a political entity, as a science and the banner of national and representative of the sole legitimate, and the nature of the decision and the balance of power within it now, which is in favor of the Fatah movement, and the decisions issued by, this Entity is the king of our people, did anyone Aossh alone, has not acquired legitimized by the international effort to organize a single, but the overall Palestinian national struggle and the struggle of the Palestinian People and all the political forces and militant and ideological colors, a summary of our struggle.
After that we have a vision of government that implements the Oslo program and that we are against it, and therefore does not distance ourselves from the Palestinian institutions and the social fabric, although we we we are not reprobates who do not want to be part of the social fabric.
Of high-profile events in front kidnapping Palestinian intelligence history for its Secretary General Ahmad Saadat and four of his comrades, and stayed late Abu Amar Court mock them led to the decoding of the Zionist blockade it temporarily; after more than 10 years How do you read this incident?
Was it an attempt by the late Abu Amar to protect Saadat, or were tried and imprisoned in Jericho is a red line crossed Abu Amar then the right front and the resistance against the occupier?
Is this incident caused a rupture between the front and power?
Of course, the arrest of Comrade Ahmed Saadat, Secretary General of the Front and the four militants who carried out the process of the liquidation of the Zionist minister Rehavam Ze’evi, and then arrested by the Israelis is a historic mistake unforgivable, even the way the arrest took place in a police and security. Our comrade Saadat was his 13 years, a stalker by the Israelis and the Hidden in the West Bank, and therefore the argument that it was to protect them are unacceptable, is the people who protect the fighters, and happened there a strategic error; and on the contrary, the Palestinian court had taken a decision for their release, however, remained stranded, and of course Jrtcefqh between Abu Amar and the Americans and the Israelis.
Then the Americans and the British withdrew 05 minutes before the Zionist attack on the prison, and there was talk of Western complicity with the Zionists …
Yes, a security protection that was in prison on the base that the group watched [activists] and protect them, supposed to Abu Amar and the Palestinian leadership that existed releasing them or leave them in prison until arrested by the Israelis.
Thus this painful station for us, either arrest police or justification which put up, and then the drama ultimately who made our comrades in the hands of the Israelis, and then occurred a campaign to arrest and wide of the leaders of the front, not only Ahmed Saadat, but also large numbers of members of the Central Committee, including Deputy Secretary Amabdarahim waved Abu Sharif large numbers, we are accustomed with the Israelis whenever military advancement Front happened whenever the arrest of the staff, and up to now, unfortunately, we are puzzled, as the popular saying goes ‘from Wayne weget!’, from the Israeli security or Palestinian security?
X Lal repeated wars on Gaza, do you put Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, the release of the Secretary General Ahmed Saadat, a condition for acceptance of a truce with the enemy?
For us, the subject of the release of comrade Ahmed Saadat and our prisoners and prisoners of resistance as a whole, is a permanent topic of thinking about it, but as this factor is linked to the field conditions, process Jerusalem, for example, the quality of the Brigades of Abu Ali Mustafa, there have been attempts by soldiers to the families of the West … etc you know. But the nature of the circumstances do not permit. Each bargaining or negotiations for the release of prisoners, particularly from Hamas, was Saadat and the name of the youth minister who described the less, but (Israel is a) and others consider them a red line and refused even to talk about them.
Popular Front strongly criticized the Oslo agreements, and negotiations ‘absurd’ she says, and field truce ‘free’ as she put it, and also what it calls the uniqueness of power the resolution of political and executive powers, also called for the rebuilding of the PLO according to democratic bases, why the front does not withdraw from the organization Liberation of pressure on power, at least to establish a real dialogue about all of these issues?
We must differentiate between our right to struggle in the project and the types of exercise maximum pressure on the powerful leadership in power and m. T. and between maintaining the unity of the Organization […] as an entity of this people; we If you notice a try, forms of struggle and internal struggle in the Palestinian arena, Onnovq between unity and difference, and combine to be united in the face of the enemy within intersections allowed for and between our determination to continue the political difference for the benefit of the Palestinian cause and our objectives, this is a tactic taken.
In the 47 anniversary of the start of the front, he called the press office member to re-file the Palestinian issue to the United Nations body, why bet on this body, which has proved its failure to bring justice to the issue, and even the clear bias to the Zionist enemy?
We are in front of the experience of negotiations 21 years ago, and regardless of our assessment of the principle of this political option which is betting heavily on the US care and the American intervention to put pressure on Israel Palmrahenhaly it up this American pressure to extract the Palestinian state, and this is impossible; in the face of this political option ask the Palestinian carrying case file and the holding of an international conference under the auspices of the United Nations, the US, which leads the Nqadhaleraih bilateral negotiations … the case file and the International Conference does not discuss the resolutions of the United Nations but also calls for the implementation of those that have been taken in favor of the struggle of our people, the United Nations and they are many.
And the United Nations was and still its decisions are subject to the global balance of power, in Fterhmaanh was the balance of power allows the issuance of decisions, but now, after Anhiaraketlh socialism no longer allowed, therefore this is our point of view: implementation of the United Nations relevant resolutions of our rights and not discussed.
The most prominent event in the Palestinian political arena end of the year 2014 is a project to end the occupation of the United Nations submitted to a vote, what do you think of first in the project?
From the outset, to be clear, this project was not discussed as it should by the Palestinian leadership, both the Executive Committee of the PLO or the Palestinian leadership by Congress, which usually includes the Executive Committee for m. T. and the rest of the leadership and general secretaries present, this annotated put forward by President Abu Mazen orally without being distributed, then Bedalmchakl occurred in this session associated with that method. We are not in front of a normal or a tactical issue so that it can be the exclusivity, we are facing a fundamental and articulated and related Bndna issue, hence the uniqueness of error by the Palestinian President.
In the same context, he admitted two of the members of the Executive Committee for m. T. P days they had not seen the project, one of them made the remarks before his way to the Committee meeting to discuss the project; the same statement made by Khalida Jarrar, member of the Political Bureau of the Popular Front; Is it possible to present a draft of such importance the United Nations, and not distributed to the members of the Committee Executive and representatives of factions only recently?
Yes, and this exclusivity is part of the tragedy of the Palestinian institution; we differentiate between a simple case strategy and the issue of this kind, especially because there was a discussion before that and the recruitment and [told] that it is essential that we proceed with such Nqthookaroa points and committed themselves to it, but when the project came an event type of exclusivity, and thus we condemn exclusivity in issues affecting the national interest; and Observe now spikes and turmoil of the Palestinian position, each one every day authorized form, Vsaib Erekat authorized form, and so authorized form, and Riyad al-Malki in the press here conference Paljzairohar of the project and said that we are now before us four amendments and the door is open for other amendments !, Are we at auction (?)
This crucial issue and any project must be discussed and decided by the Palestinian leadership even assume their responsibility, and we are in front of the rights and you should know what are the reference of this project because it now turns out, according to some of the statements, including Riad Amalikihna statements in Algeria, that this project has become a subject in some of its provisions to the wishes of Some major countries, and assumed that any project of this level must be political, legal and economic rights of our people his authority and decisions of the United Nations for these rights.
Just like the Oslo Accords, described by political analysts that it surprised the Palestinian people, the project was not presented to a referendum, does the fact that the PLO the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people dispense with his mind and investigate his options?