Palestinian teen latest tragic victim of Israeli occupation

In a horrific incident, Israeli forces raided Budrus Village High School in the West Bank, and shot and killed a Palestinian teenager on Tuesday, Samir Ahmad Abdul-Rahim, 17. Samir sustained four bullet wounds to his head, chest and leg and died shortly after arriving at the Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah.
The killing of Abdul-Rahim is the latest in a spate of fatal shootings by Israel’s army. Mustafa Abu Jarad, 21, was shot in the head on Monday in the town of Beit Lahiya and later died from his injuries. Anwar Muhammad al-Mamlouk, 22, was killed by Israeli fire east of Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza on Friday, and another man was seriously wounded and taken to the Kamal Udwan hospital by paramedics.
FOA condemns in the strongest possible terms the deplorable and inhumane murder of innocent Palestinians by the occupying Israeli forces. These latest indiscriminate shooting are an appalling and grim reminder of the brutal and repressive conditions Palestinians live under in an apartheid occupation.
The Israeli forces that have been employed to maintain the occupation use abhorrent tactics to subjugate the Palestinians. An increase in settlement activity, the apartheid wall, checkpoints and daily harassments are significant factors adding to the misery felt by Palestinians.
The international community must not allow such brutality to pass by without holding Israel to account over its actions. We call on the international community to take meaningful and effective action against Israel in the form of diplomatic pressure and sanctions in response to Israel’s brutal occupation of the Palestinian people.
Ismail Patel

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