24 December 2010
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On 26, Novemer 2019, six Palestinian political prisoners began a hunger strike to demand their release from a facility run by puppet Ab-A$$; they have now gone without food for 28 days.Human rights organisations have warned that the threat to the lives of the six men is now critical and have demanded their immediate release.
Five out of the six prisoners have languished in puppetAb-A$$ prisons without any clear charges being brought against them, despite having secured release orders from the Ab-A$$ Supreme Court of ‘Justice’.?
The hunger strikers are:
1. Ahmed Mohammed Yusri al-Uwaywi: arrested 15 September 2010; Supreme Court of Justice release orders issued 3 February 2010.
2. Majd Maher Abid: arrested 11 October 2009; Supreme Court of Justice release orders issued 3 February 2010.
3. Muhannad Mahmoud Neiroukh: arrested 10 October 2008; Supreme Court of Justice release orders issued 19 January 2010.

4. Wael Said al-Beitar: arrested 19 April 2009; imprisoned in the Fatah intelligence prison in Jericho.

5. Wisam Azzam al-Qawasama: arrested 8 October 2008; Supreme Court of Justice release orders issued 19 January 2010.

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