Palestinian Nakba II is here

Gilad Atzmon writes:

The Israeli media reported on 20 August that the Jewish State is “actively pushing Palestinian emigration from Gaza”. A senior Israeli official confirmed that his government is looking for other countries to take in Gazans.

We are basically dealing here with a systematic forced removal of the indigenous population from a given territory by a powerful settler state. In Yiddish as well as in English such an act is called ethnic cleansing and is considered a crime against humanity under the statutes of the International Criminal Court.

The Times of Israel reported that “Israel is actively promoting the emigration of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, and is working to find other countries who may be willing to absorb them”. We are basically dealing here with a systematic forced removal of the indigenous population from a given territory by a powerful settler state. In Yiddish as well as in English such an act is called ethnic cleansing and is considered a crime against humanity under the statutes of the International Criminal Court (ICC).

In a similar fashion to the German (Nazi) government at the time of the Haavara agreement (1933), the Jewish State is encouraging Gazans to “willingly” leave their land. The Israeli official confirmed that Israel “is ready to carry the costs of helping Gazans emigrate, and would even be willing to consider allowing them to use an Israeli air field close to Gaza to allow them to leave for their new host countries”.

I guess that Jewish State is making a real effort to redefine the notion of Jewish “kindness”.

According to the Israeli official, “the Israeli National Security Council has been spearheading the effort, with Netanyahu’s blessing, for about a year. The programme has been discussed in the security cabinet several times.” However, the official confirmed that despite Israeli contacts with  European leaders and even countries in the region, so far no country has agreed to participate in the Israeli crime and absorb the ethnically cleansed Palestinians of Gaza.

Maybe those reluctant  European leaders and countries in the region are waiting to see whether Israel is willing to absorb the many suspects involved with the current Epstein’s #pedogate as this scandal is quickly unfolding into a global crime syndicate saga.

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