Palestinian and Zionist security failed to thwart Ramallah operation

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr


Subtitles Hebrew – special Quds news:  “PrinceBouhbot” Nazi military analyst forsite “only” Hebrew thatsecurity forces inoccupationconsidered sincebeginning eye poppin process asprocess complex and wellplanned, wheretookprocesslong planning and processingan explosive device and activated remotely, and added that The Popular Front cell prepared it tightly and accurately, which led to the failure of the Shin Bet to arrest the cell and thwart the operation before it occurred.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) is a relatively small movement compared to Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

Bouthabout presented some questions that the Nazi Gestapo Shin Bet has not answered as the one behind the financing of the cell. Was there any relationship between the leaders of the Popular Front in the occupation prisons in this operation, as well as other cells ready in the West Bank and waiting for their role to carry out other operations.

The analyst believes that the participation of the head of the cell, Samer Arbid, is rare because of his age (44) years, but when examining the history of the prisoner Arbid, then it is not strange, he was detained several times in the prisons of the occupation, as well as was known for the manufacture of explosive devices, and was chased To the occupation during the second intifada.

He added that the long experience has a great influence in the formation of military cells and the transfer of military information to them. Confirms the readiness and tightness of the cell.# The Shin Bet

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