Palestine: Six prisoners continue their hunger strike to refuse administrative detention

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr


Illegally Nazi occupied Ramallah: Six prisoners continue their hunger strike in Nazi detention centers, in refusal of their administrative detention, the oldest prisoner Ahmad Ghannam has been on hunger strike for 85 days..

The Prisoner Club said in a statement on Sunday that Ahmed Ghannam, 42, from Dura, south of Hebron, has been on strike for 85 days. He has been detained since June 18, and a former prisoner who spent a total of nine years and suffered from cancer. He is in need of medical attention because of his weak immunity. He is married and has two children. During his hunger strike, the Nazi regime issued an administrative detention order for two and a half months..

The statement added that Ismail Ali, 30, from Abu Dis town, has been in detention for 75 days. He has been detained since February. He is a former prisoner who has spent a total of seven years in Israeli detention.  Prisoner Tariq Qadan (46 years) from Jenin governorate has been on strike for 68 days. He is a former prisoner who spent a total of 11 years in prison between the Israeli occupation and administrative detention. Two months after the expiry of the sentence, the Israeli occupation authorities issued an administrative detention order against him days before his release. He is married and has six children..

Ahmed Zahran, 42, from Deir Abu Mash’al town in Ramallah, has been on a strike for 15 days. He is a former prisoner who has spent a total of 15 years in Israeli jails. He is married and has four children. He has been detained since March. This year, he went on a hunger strike that lasted for 39 days in exchange for ending his administrative detention.However, the Israeli authorities issued a new administrative detention order against him, and accordingly announced his hunger strike.This is the second strike he is going through this year.

The captive club pointed out that Prisoner Musab al-Hindi (29 years) from the town of Tal in the governorate of Nablus has been on strike for 13 days. He was arrested on September 4 for six months. He was arrested several times previously, including several administrative arrests. An administrative detention order, a father of two children, is noteworthy that the Indian prisoner went on a hunger strike lasted for 35 days last year and ended after an agreement to release him.He was released on September 9, 2018..

Hiba al-Labadi, 24, who holds Jordanian nationality along with the Palestinian nationality, has been detained for 13 days. ) And then ended her hunger strike on 24 September, and is now in al-Jalameh detention center.

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