Gaza child unable to walk because of Israeli bullet
Suddenly, the boy felt a pain in his back. He could not move, so Akram rushed him to hospital.
Fadi was struck by a bullet fired on Palestinian farmers by Israeli soldiers. The bullet appears to have entered his family’s home through a corner that was not roofed. Fadi had been sitting in that corner, his father told The Electronic Intifada.
How on earth do they survive in that ‘hell called Gaza’?
By: Elias
“I’m from that hell called Gaza. Extreme poverty, unemployment and insecurity destroy life and future of people who can hardly survive…….
War-weary mother writes
•“Schools work in 2 or 3 shifts a day especially in areas where displaced people of the last war still shelter in UNRWA schools; they don’t have any other place to go.”
•“Travel is not a lifestyle in Gaza… It is difficult for us to live or to leave.”
•“We just dream of leading a decent life.”
NZ Super-annuitants Profit from Gaza Children’s’ Agony
By: Elias
The NZSF governance and its contributors an beneficiaries should, in the manner of all decent people, be absolutely outraged that their monies and blood profits are complicitous in the deaths and inhumane suffering of Palestinian children like little Hamza and divest immediately.
Palestinian village fights to survive as Israel sends in bulldozers
Palestine: More Than 11,000 Demolition Orders Pending in West Bank
There are more than 11,000 currently outstanding demolition orders issued by Israeli authorities against Palestinian-owned properties in the Occupied West Bank, according to new figures.
The official data, as presented by UN OCHA in a recent report, shows that Israeli authorities issued 14,087 demolition orders in ‘Area C’ of the West Bank between 1988 and 2014, on the basis that they lacked the required permit.
The number of affected structures is higher, however, as some orders target several structures.
Israel to Completely Demolish Negev Village & Displace Residents
The Israeli Supreme Court, on Tuesday, issued a final decision to demolish and displace the people of Atir-Umm Al-Hieran, a Palestinian village which remains unrecognized in the Negev desert of southern Israel.
Like Human Rights Watch, Red Cross, Amnesty Intl is headed by Jewish directors. Thee organisations have ALL whitewashed Israel’s Crimes against Palestinians and Lebanese
Amnesty whitewashes another massacre
Amnesty International has issued four reports on the Israeli massacre in Gaza in 2014. Given the scale of the destruction and the number of fatalities, any attempt to document the crimes committed should be welcomed. However, these reports are problematic, and raise questions about the organisation itself, including why the reports were ever written at all. They also raise questions about the broader human rights industry that are worth considering.
Obama to Recognize Palestinian Statehood?
It’s hard remembering how many times Obama pledged full support for Israel – at the same time spurning Palestinian rights. He’s done nothing to help them throughout his tenure. He partnered with Netanyahu’s genocidal Gaza war last summer. He supported mass slaughtering noncombatant men, women and children. He’s waging multiple regional direct and proxy wars. He doesn’t give a damn about Arab lives and welfare.
Israel: Serial Terror-Bomber
Israel operates like America, other rogue NATO members and Saudi Arabia. It claims a divine right to terror-bomb other nations, groups and individuals at its discretion.
It calls naked aggression “self-defense.” It calls justifiable resistance “terrorism.” It willfully targets civilians. It invents reasons to justify its lawlessness. They ring hollow every time.
The New Israeli Government: It’s Worse Than You Think
The new Israeli government is a total victory for the most extreme elements in the extreme Right in Israel. The overtly racist party HaBayit HaYehudi, the party of the West Bank settlers, will control the Justice Dept. , the Education Dept. , and almost all important government offices concerned with the Occupation of the West Bank. And they have secured a promise from Likud to bring forward a proposed law that would make it illegal for any nonprofit to receive funds from a foreign government without approval from the government. That is directed at the various Israeli peace, reconciliation, human rights, and dialogue organizations that get support from a variety of European countries who want to see peace between Israel and Palestinians.
Netanyahu appoints Ayelet Shaked who called for genocide of Palestinians as Justice Minister in new government
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided to appoint Ayelet Shaked as justice minister in his fourth government. Shaked is a Member of Knesset (MK) representing the far-right HaBayit HaYehudi (“Jewish Home”) party. She is known for her extreme, ultranationalist views
So the Zionist UN wimp Ban Ki Moon had foreknowledge that Israel, would bomb certain densely populated areas of Gaza
Israeli defense minister promises to kill more civilians and threatens to nuke Iran
Israeli defense minister Moshe Yaalon on Tuesday said Israel would attack entire civilian neighborhoods during any future assault on Gaza or Lebanon.
Speaking at a conference in Jerusalem, Yaalon threatened that “we are going to hurt Lebanese civilians to include kids of the family. We went through a very long deep discussion … we did it then, we did it in [the] Gaza Strip, we are going to do it in any round of hostilities in the future.”
The Israeli official also appeared to threaten to drop a nuclear bomb on Iran, although he said “we are not there yet.”
In response to a question about Iran, Yaalon said that “in certain cases” when “we feel like we don’t have the answer by surgical operations” Israel might take “certain steps” such as the Americans did in “Nagasaki and Hiroshima, causing at the end the fatalities of 200,000.”
Relating a July 2013 meeting with UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon, Yaalon recalled promising Israel would bomb the entire Gaza City neighborhood of Shujaiya.
He showed Ban photos of villages in Lebanon and of “certain neighborhoods in Gaza, to include well-known Shujaiya, with many red spots” which he claimed were “terror assets in the densely populated urban area. And I said – July 2013 – we are going to hit it.”
Yaalon was true to his word. The Shujaiya massacre was among the most brutal examples of Israeli war crimes during last summer’s attack on the Gaza Strip.
Israel killed 2,257 Palestinians during the 51-day assault, according to the United Nations monitoring group OCHA. Of that number, OCHA says 70 percent were civilians, including 563 children (Defence for Children International–Palestine has documented 547 child deaths).
The 20 July 2014 attack on Shujaiya was the most bloody day of the war, when Israel bombed the entire neighborhood indiscriminately. Initial reports on the day said 60 bodies had been brought out of the rubble. Later reports suggested death tolls of 90 or 120.
Threat of BDS
The conference was titled “Towards a new law of war” and was intended to help Israel use “lawfare” to defend its crimes in courts around the world.
The other main theme of Yaalon’s speech, which closed the conference, was the “challenge” of BDS, boycott, divestment and sanctions. The Palestinian-led global movement aims to hold Israel accountable for its crimes.
Yaalon sought to cast the grassroots activist movement as a kind of military front. He said that “delegitimization, BDS and lawfare” were just “another tool” in the war of Israel’s enemies.
He complained that he had been unable to visit European countries because of the possibility he could have been arrested for suspected war crimes under universal jurisdiction law: “I prefer not to go to [the] UK, to London for about 10 years, or toSpain for a while.”
“Collateral damage”
In 2011, under Israeli pressure, the UK government changed its laws to make it easierfor Israeli war crimes suspects to visit the country. Although the changes have meant that several high-level Israeli politicians and military officers have been able to visit since, in 2013 retired Major-General Doron Almog canceled a visit to London because of an outstanding warrant for his arrest related to war crimes committed in the Gaza Strip.
Yaalon lamented that Israeli soldiers now have to be taught that “we should be ready to give up a visit to London … but it’s not fair, it is not just.”
But, apparently referring to the law changes, he said they “found the common language to discuss these issues with our friends, with our allies.”
He also described criticism of Israel in international bodies such as the UN Human Rights Council as a “war after the war” and advocated that “we should fight them back.”
He said there should be no investigations of Israeli soldiers just because of “collateral damage” – a euphemism for the killing of civilians.
“Lawfare” conference
The conference was organized by Shurat HaDin, a group of Israeli lawyers which is at the forefront of using courts around the world to defend Israeli war crimes, and attack Palestine solidarity groups.
In 2013, as I reported for The Electronic Intifada at the time, it was revealed that the group has extremely close ties to the Israeli security establishment, to the extent ofacting as a proxy group for the Mossad, Israel’s deadly overseas spy agency.
He said Israel and its supporters should use courts around the world “to fight them back,” meaning critics of Israel, and that this is exactly what Shurat HaDin does.
“Hasbara is not the right term,” he continued in the question and answer session, “it’s a war … Each of us can become to be a warrior in this war. By talkbacking, by blogging, by disseminating articles, by raising our case.”
Hasbara (literally “explanation” in Hebrew) is the Israeli term for propaganda.
Justifying Israeli attacks on civilians was the main theme of the conference. Speaker after speaker lined up to reinterpret international law so that it would, supposedly, allow the killing of Palestinian and other Arab civilians.
This was justified with familiar canards about the supposed use by Palestinian resistance factions of “human shields,” which then inevitably results in Palestinian civilian dead. In other words, Israel was being forced to kill civilians.
Yaalon did similar by saying that the civilian neighborhoods Israel had bombed had contained “rocket rooms.”
The New York Times reported Wednesday that Yaalon is likely to continue as defense minister in the newly-agreed government headed by his Likud party leader Benjamin Netanyahu, in coalition with the Jewish Home and other ultra-right-wing parties.
The Electronic Intifada watched the entire conference by livestream and will be reporting more detail soon.
Nothing new here- Israel has always been a racist, Military, nuclear armed Fascist entity, no matter which political party was in power, corrupt to the core War criminals, each and every one of the Ministers with State sanctioned Terrorists, Torturers and Assassins, Rapists, Sodomists, Child killers. Today Israel has become more cocky about its ever increasing Crimes against Humanity as it knows no one can stop it as it ride rough shod over all International Laws and moral/ethical Norms with complete impunity due to confidant arrogant control of Western Governments, bought Politicians, Political Parties, Jewdiciary and Media.
Satanyahu Milikovsy is a true reflection of what Israel has always stood for and represents today as a racist State of the Art Killing Machine and World Terrorist.
Netanyahu Forms New Racist, Fascist Government
Weeks after Israeli’s March 17 elections, Netanyahu and four other extremist political parties formed a new coalition government – barely with 61 of 120 Knesset seats. Bar-Ilan University Professor Eytan Gilboa calls it “a big political mess…Nobody in his right mind believes that this will hold for even a short time.”
New Right-Wing Israeli Government Expected To Complicate Palestinian Peace Process
One U.S. State Department official told BuzzFeed News that relations between Jerusalem and Washington were not expected to “warm up anytime soon” given Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s last-minute coalition.
Israel approves 900 illegal, East Jerusalem squatter homes:
Israel has approved construction of 900 squatter homes in occupied East Jerusalem, a watchdog said Thursday shortly after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu formed a new right-wing religious coalition.
another Israeli bum licker
Ted Cruz Deemed ‘Defender of Israel’ :
On May 28, at the Third Annual Champions of Jewish Values International Awards Gala in York City, Cruz will receive the ‘Defender of Israel’ award from Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, the so-called “Most Famous Rabbi in America”
‘The flavor appeal of former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckster-bee is for the blood-thirsty, Old Testament, Christian-Zionist hordes who have been brainwashed into worshiping Israel. These Unholy Rollers are a sub-group of the Neo-Cons. Under the influence of the altered “Scofield Bible”, this comical cult has been trained to believe that those who bless Israel will be zapped up to heaven when the “Rapture” comes. Though professing to be followers of Jesus Christ (aka The Prince of Peace), the Rapture Bunnies never met a war for Israel or a Gaza bombing they didn’t cheer for. These are the deranged mental cases who form the core constituency for Mike Hucksterbee, a former Southern Baptist pastor and Arkansas governor. During his announcement speech, the charming Hucksterbee, as always, wore his “faith” on his sleeve by describing a childhood of school prayer. He then took Homo-Obongo to task for putting:
“more pressure on our ally Israel to cease building bedrooms for their families in Judea and Samaria than we do on Iran for building a bomb.”
What Hucksterbee failed to mention is that those “bedrooms” that the Israelis are building are over the lands and, in some cases, over the dead bodies of the poor Palestinians that have been forced out. “Blessed are the peacemakers.”, eh Pastor Mike? Furthermore, Iran is not building a nuclear bomb. “Thou shalt not bear false witness.”, eh Pastor Mike?
This smooth-talking snake-oil salesman knows he can’t get the nomination, nor does he actually want it. There just aren’t enough Rapture Bunnies in the northern states. So, why bother? Hucksterbee’s
- To draw votes away from other non-Establishment Republicans such as Ben Carson and Rancid Paul.
- To personally benefit from the “face-time” that comes with participating in the Quadrennial Freak Show.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Garland FALSE FLAG Was a Distraction Away From Report Outing IDF as a Bunch of Savage Lunatics
Who says Pam Gellar doesn’t earn her keep? Together with the psychotic Geert Wilders, they make a good ‘Bimbo and Clod’ combo, putting on shows to distract Gentiles away from the following report that shows AGAIN that the IDF is NOT the ‘world’s most moral army,’ but a sick and twisted collection of psycho-killers and blood-soaked butchers. Gellar staged her show on the SAME day the report outing the IDF as a bunch of depraved blood-lusting killers hit the press.
Add in the tweet ‘found’ by MOSSAD asset Rita Katz that purports to show ISIS–Israeli Secret Intelligence Services–being behind the Garland False Flag, and it’s a slam-dunk case against ‘Benny the Butcher’ and the homicidal maniacs of Israel.
May 04, 2015 “Information Clearing House” – “The Intercept” – The Israeli group Breaking the Silence issued a report this morning containing testimony from Israeli soldiers about the savagery and criminality committed by the Israeli military during the attack on Gaza last summer. The Independent has a good article describing the report’s findings: “The Israeli military deliberately pounded civilian areas in the Gaza Strip with incessant fire of inaccurate ordinance” and “was at best indifferent about casualties among the Palestinian population.” At best.
Click here:
The U.N. has said that 7 out of 10 people killed by the Israelis were civilians, “including 1,462 civilians, among them 495 children and 253 women”; video of Israelis killing four Gazan boys as they played on a beach sickened anyone decent.
Ex Israeli Officer Speaks the truth:
Click here:
The Intercept has chosen some selected, representative excerpts from the report, with the rank of the testifying soldier indicated (each one was granted anonymity by the report’s organizers). This is the savage occupying force known as the Israeli Defense Forces:
“Whoever you see there, you kill”
Staff Sargent, Armored Corps:
[A]fter 48 hours during which no one shoots at you and they’re like ghosts, unseen, their presence unfelt – except once in a while the sound of one shot fired over the course of an entire day – you come to realize the situation is under control. And that’s when my difficulty there started, because the formal rules of engagement – I don’t know if for all soldiers – were, “Anything still there is as good as dead. Anything you see moving in the neighborhoods you’re in is not supposed to be there. The [Palestinian] civilians know they are not supposed to be there. Therefore whoever you see there, you kill. . . .
The commander [gave that order]. “Anything you see in the neighborhoods you’re in, anything within a reasonable distance, say between zero and 200 meters – is dead on the spot. No authorization needed.” We asked him: “I see someone walking in the street, do I shoot him?” He said yes.
Did the commander discuss what happens if you run into civilians or uninvolved people?
There are none. The working assumption states – and I want to stress that this is a quote of sorts: that anyone located in an IDF area, in areas the IDF took over – is not [considered] a civilian. That is the working assumption. We entered Gaza with that in mind, and with an insane amount of firepower.
“The citizens of Gaza, I really don’t give a fuck about them”
Staff Sargent, Infantry:
It was during our first Sabbath. Earlier that day one of the companies was hit by a few anti-tank missiles. The unit went to raid the area from which they were fired, so the guys who stayed behind automatically cared less about civilians. I remember telling myself that right now, the citizens of Gaza, I really don’t give a fuck about them. They don’t deserve anything – and if they deserve something it’s either to be badly wounded or killed. . . . So this old man came over, and the guy manning the post – I don’t know what was going through his head – he saw this civilian, and he fired at him, and he didn’t get a good hit. The civilian was laying there, writhing in pain. We all remembered that story going around, so none of the paramedics wanted to go treat him. It was clear to everyone that one of two things was going to happen: Either we let him die slowly, or we put him out of his misery. Eventually, we put him out of his misery, and a D9 (armored bulldozer) came over and dropped a mound of rubble on him and that was the end of it. In order to avoid having to deal with the question of whether he was booby-trapped or not – because that really didn’t interest anyone at that moment – the D9 came over, dropped a pile of rubble on his body and that was it. Everyone knew that under that pile there was the guy’s corpse. . . . .
Click here:
“By the time we got out of there, everything was like a sandbox”
Staff Sargent, Mechanized Infantry:
By the time we got out of there, it was all like a sandbox. Every house we left – and we went through three or four houses – a D9 (armored bulldozer) came over and flattened it. . . .
First of all, it’s impressive seeing a D9 take down a big two-story house. We were in the area of a fairly rich, rural neighborhood – very impressive houses. We were in one spot where there was a house with a children’s residence unit next door – just like in a well-off Moshav (a type of rural town) in Israel. The D9 would simply go in, take down part of the wall and then continue, take down another part of the wall, and leave only the columns intact. At a certain point it would push a pile of sand to create a mound of rubble and bring down other parts, until the house was eventually left stripped, and from that point it would simply hit the house [with its blade] until it collapsed. The D9 was an important working tool. It was working nearly non-stop.Source: ICH
There’s not enough words in the English language to describe the sick, twisted and depraved Israeli Occupation Army that descends into Gaza on a regular basis to butcher the indigenous Palestinians and to give a Viagra like testosterone punch to psycho-killers like Benjamin Netanyahu.
There were cities in Germany that got destroyed by Allied carpet bombing that didn’t look as bad as Gaza after Israel’s murderous 2014 assault Click here:
Posted by Greg bacon