Palestine: Deterioration of the health status of the prisoner Heba Labadi

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr


Illegally Nazi occupied West Bank: The Palestinian Health and Prisoners’ Affairs Authority said on Wednesday that the health condition of Hiba al-Labadi, 32, who has been on hunger strike for 23 days against her administrative detention, has deteriorated and is in harsh isolation conditions.

The lawyer for the body, which visited al-Labadi yesterday, that the prisoner suffers from distress and self-esteem, and severe disorders and tingling in the heart, dizziness, difficulty in speech, and significant weight loss .

She added that the captive Labadi continues to boycott Nazi camp clinics and take any types of support or salts, which threatens her heart attack, or dysfunction in one of her vital organs or nerves .

She explained that the prisoner is sitting in a narrow cell, dark and airy, full of moisture and insects, and has four surveillance cameras .

The Prisoners’ Committee warned of the deterioration of the health condition of Labadi prisoner in the coming days in light of the arbitrary and reprisal measures that the Israeli authorities are subjected to .

Five prisoners in the Nazi camp continue their hunger strike to refuse their administrative detention, the oldest being Ahmed Ghannam .

A young man was killed and three others were injured in three incidents inside the occupied territory

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