Sun Sep 26, 2010

PARIS (AFP) – Palestinian collaborator Mahmud Ab-A$$ held talks Sunday with influential members of the French-Zionist community in Paris about the Zionist-Palestine ‘peace negotiations’, during his visit to France.

At Meurice hotel, Ab-A$$ met with 20 well-known figures including philosopher Alain Finkielkraut, journalists Jean-Pierre Elkabbach and Ruth Elkrief, Zionist student union leader Arielle Schwab and president of the Holocaust memorial Eric de Rothschild.

“If Israel does not continue the freeze on settlement building, the peace process will be a waste of time,” Ab-A$$ told them.

Finkielkraut said he was impressed by Ab-A$$ sincerity and “the fact that he does not underestimate Hamas violence.”

He added that Ab-A$$ “spoke to us about his desire for a negotiated deal, of his willingness to pass from a culture of violence to a culture of peace.”

“He wants us to understand a bit better the Palestinian position and in this respect, it’s progress,” Elkabbach said, hailing the “courage” of a man “who risks his skin at every moment.”

Earlier, the Ab-A$$ announced that the Arab League would meet on October 4 to discuss further action in the fragile negotiations with Zionism, once the illegal settlement moratorium in the West Bank expires Sunday night.

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