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Facts on the Ground, The APN Map Project

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Overview: Map Use


Welcome to the Americans for Peace Now map. You can use this map to explore the data we have collected about settlement activity in the West Bank. The map is organized in several layers that show different kinds of data. In the Layer Selector, you can click on the headings to view different areas of the map with pre-selected sets of layers. Or, you can turn on or off individual layers to customize your view.
When you select an individual settlement, we’ll show you the data that we’ve collected about it, such as the year it was established and its population.
When we post news stories about events in the West Bank, we’ll include a link that takes you directly to the location. You can then explore the area so you can understand the news in context.

Settlements 101

“Settlement” is the term used to denote Israeli civilian communities built in territory conquered by Israel in the Six Day War (June 1967). This territory is comprised of the West Bank (including East Jerusalem), the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights and the Sinai Peninsula. These neighborhoods have been a major issue in the peace process since 1967 and remain highly controversial.

Recent News

Ha’aretz: “West Bank settlements can now be tracked on your iPhone”

Peace Now releases ‘Facts on the Ground’ application in which the settlements are marked in blue, the outposts in red, and clicking on a place name displays demographic statistics.

By Natasha Mozgovaya and Haaretz Staff

Ha’aretz: “Peace Now: 2,066 West Bank settlement homes to be built as soon as freeze ends”

September 12, 2010 New report indicates an overall of 13,000 previously authorized West Bank housing units, construction sites could be built after the Sept. 26 freeze expiration date.

By Chaim Levinson  


Ma’ariv: “Occupation is Not an Act” by Yariv Oppenheimer, Peace Now Secretary General

August 30, 2010
“The unfortunate decision of the theater managers to export the finest plays being staged in Tel Aviv, Haifa and Beer Sheva to none other than the largest settlement built by Israel–caused a courageous group of artists and actors to stand up for their principles and refuse to perform in the territories.”

Following the op ed is: 
Ha’aretz: “Netanyahu: State should not fund any theater that boycotts Ariel”
Ma’ariv: “The Lecturers’ Boycott”
Walla: “Oz, Yehoshua and Grossman Support Theater Workers’ Protest” 



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