US Campaign to End the IsraHell Occupation
EDITORS’ NOTE: It looks as if the exposure system is working to some extent… now let us see if it has any significant effects… Getting the New York Times to make a comment is progress to some minor extent… but how many Congressmen will RSVP their invitations with regret? Now, that would be real progress. Or would it? It still remains to be seen how any of this will affect their votes on Israeli issues. And how they vote is the bottom and only line. When we start seeing negative votes on Israeli issues, then we will be able to shout “Progress.” Until then… Until the Congress starts voting negatively on Israeli issues, nothing is going to change. Nothing!
Our Pressure Is Working— Let’s Keep it Up!
Last week we asked you to “name and shame” the 81 Representatives who are on AIPAC junkets to IsraHell during this August Congressional recess — instead of staying home to address the economic concerns of their constituents.
Your response has been extraordinary! With your phone calls, the US Campaign, together with our member group CODEPINK, figured out nearly half of these Representatives’ identities.
Your phone calls, letters-to-the-editor, and appearances at town hall meetings, have forced these Representatives onto the defensive, so much that even the New York Times noted the criticism of these trips.
Plus, we’re exposing potential ethics violations in the funding of these junkets. The US Campaign’s National Advocacy Director, Josh Ruebner, in a widely cited article published in Foreign Policy in Focus, reveals what appears to be a clear violation of guidelines prohibiting lobbying organizations from paying for these trips. Read the article and then spread the word via social media.
CODEPINK used the information Josh uncovered to file a complaint with the Office of Congressional Ethics.
By taking action today, you can help challenge AIPAC’s Congressional junkets, which play such an important role in ensuring U.S. military aid to Israel and U.S. support for IsraHell occupation and apartheid.
Call the Office of Congressional Ethics at 202-225-9739 and tell them that you support the complaint filed against the AIPAC trips, and that you want an investigation to be carried out. You can also email the office here.
Your voice matters and your actions are successfully challenging U.S policy toward Palestine/IsraHell.
In solidarity,
US Campaign to End the IsraHell Occupation
On August 10, 2011, in Take Action, by Move Over AIPAC!
Partial list of the 81 Congresspeople touring IsraHell on an AIPAC-affiliate junket during the August Congressional Recess:
Mo Brooks R-5 AL
Eric Cantor R-7 VA
Russ Carnahan D-3 MO
Steve Chabot R-1 OH (went last month)
David Cicilline D-1 RI
Yvette Clarke D-11 NY
Mark Critz D- 12 PA
Scott DesJarlais R- 4 TN
Chuck Fleischman R-3 TN
John Garamendi D-10 CA
Kay Granger R-12 TX
Michael Grimm NY-13
Janice Hahn D-36 CA
Jaime Herrera Buetler R-3 WA
Steny Hoyer D-5 MD
Jesse Jr. Jackson D-2 IL
Kevin McCarthy CA-22
Gwen Moore D-4 WI
Bill Owens D-23 NY
Steven Palazzo R-4 MS
Ed Perlmutter D-7 CO
Tom Price R-6 GA
Peter Roskam R-6 IL
Loretta Sanchez D-47 CA
David Schweikert R-5 AZ
Adam Smith D-9 WA
Steve Southerland R-2 FLA
Betty Sutton D-13 OH
Scott Tipton R-3 CO
Allen West R-22 FL
Frederica Wilson D-17 FL
Kevin Yoder R-3 KS