For centuries, organized Jewry has been at the forefront in the efforts to subvert, corrupt, and eventually destroy traditional Western civilization and all that it stands for. Henry Makow, in a review of E. Michael Jones’ The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History, described the role played by organized Jewry to accomplish this goal as “subversive in the profoundest sense, overturning the Will of God, “Logos,” Christ’s Gospel of Love, the inherent Design and Purpose of Creation, hijacking mankind and arresting its development according to Cabalistic and Talmudic dictates.”
MacDonald argues that Western civilization has essentially become Judaized, as the revolutionary Jewish intellectual and cultural leaders, including Theodore Adorno, Siegfried Freud, and others, and their ideas have been “avidly embraced by the vast majority of non-Jewish intellectuals” which demonstrates how “the Western intellectual world has become Judaized — that Jewish attitudes and interests, Jewish likes and dislikes, now constitute the culture of the West, internalized by Jews and non-Jews alike.” Dr. MacDonald continues:
This cultural, spiritual, and intellectual attack by organized Jewish interests against traditional Western European culture must be recognized in order to avoid the complete destruction of the European peoples. A couple weeks ago, John Kaminski and I discussed some of the destabilization techniques organized Jewry has used in their battle against European culture and European peoples, which include:
It’s a fairly well known, albeit unspoken, fact that Jews control the Western media and Hollywood. The Times of Israel published a blog post earlier this summer titled, “Jews DO Control the Media,” and Jewish writer Joel Stein openly bragged in the Los Angeles Times that Jews control Hollywood and other aspects of American culture, government, and finance. Neal Gabler, yet another Jewish writer, wrote An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood documenting the Jewish role in Hollywood.
Just the other day, The Jewish Daily Forward ran an article titled, “Movie Monsters’ Jewish Parentage” authored by Michael Kaminer outlining the Jewish role in creating the various monster movies in Hollywood over the years. A brief excerpt:
American culture is essentially a Jewish culture, especially American popular culture that has developed over the past 70 years or so since the invention of the television. Does it really surprise anyone anymore that all you see on television and in movies ispornographic, debasing, disgusting filth and Orwellian propaganda demonizing Jewry’s historic and current enemies while uncritically praising Israel and everything wrong about American culture? (See also “Secret Goals of Communism Near Fruition,” by Henry Makow)
The Jewish magazine Tablet ran a lengthy biographical hagiography of the depraved Jew that initiated the campaign for gay marriage in an article titled, “Gay Marriage’s Jewish Pioneer: The activist called Faygele ben Miriam started Washington state’s battle over marriage more than 40 years ago”:
In a separate article in Tablet titled, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Ask: Artists, particularly in theater, are still plagued by the slur ‘Gay Commie Jew.’ But how did it come about?,” art critic Allen Ellenzweig further documents the Jewish infiltration and subversion of American culture. This cultural attack was right out of the playbook of the cultural Marxists of the Frankfurt School, who have pushed homosexuality, perversion, and degeneracy into the mainstream of American society. Ellenzweig writes:
The systematic promotion of pornography, sexual deviance and degeneracy, and licentiousness was and remains a major cultural destabilization technique used by international Jewry to pervert and corrupt the sense of morality in society, destroying healthy social norms and cultural values, replacing them with homosexuality, promiscuity, and debauchery. Dr. Lasha Darkmoon describes the origins of this movement and the leading role played by a group of perverted, disgusting Jewish “intellectuals” in a brilliant article titled, “Masters of Porn: The Systematic Promotion of Sexual Deviance,” published in The Occidental Observer:
Here is a revealing look at one Jewish pornographer, Al Goldstein, a pioneer in the smut business: Henry Makow, in an article titled “Playboy and the (Homo) Sexual Revolution,” expands on the Jewish role in the promotion of sexual deviance and degeneracy:
The radical feminist movement, which spearheaded the push for the legalization and normalization of abortion, “women’s liberation”, the destruction of the traditional role of the woman in society, and the destruction of the family unit, was led by Jews like Betty Friedan, Bella Abzug, and Gloria Steinem. A revealing article published in The Jewish Daily Forward titled, “Why Are There So Many Jewish Feminists?” offers us a unique insight into the Jewish-led radical feminist movement:
The Jewish role in shaping Western immigration policy, which has resulted in the systematic flooding of non-European peoples into Europe and European-derived countries including the United States, Canada, and Australia, is a major technique of Jewish destabilization. Dr. Kevin MacDonald has written extensively on this topic. What follows is the abstract of Dr. MacDonald’s 1998 paper “Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881-1965: A Historical
This mass immigration, multicultural agenda has been promoted by organized Jewish groups for decades now. But what is their goal? Earl Raab, former head of the Institute of Jewish Advocacy, explained what this agenda’s end goal eventually is:
Jews like Barbara Lerner Spectre openly call for the destruction of European society by promoting “multiculturalism” and mass immigration: Adolf Hitler, writing in Mein Kampf, described the subversive and destructive nature of organized Jewry’s influence on Western civilization:
Traditional Western civilization has essentially been destroyed by organized Jewry. Jewry must be viewed as a hostile, dangerous, and very well organized minority, constantly conniving and scheming to defraud and deceive their Gentile hosts. They cannot survive without us. Let’s all recognize the destructive force of international Jewry, and agree to outlaw these criminals from any position of influence in society or government forever. |
One thought on “Organized Jewry: destroyers of Western civilization”
By signing same-sex marriage into law, the Bible-loving Washington State Governor is helping to fulfill the predicted “days of Lot” (Luke 17) – days Jesus said would precede and hurry up His return as Judge – and she is thus making the Bible even more believable! After swelling up with pride, Mt. Rainier will be having a blast that Seaddlepated folks can share in lava-land!