Open letter to British MPs on their witch-hunts of pro-Palestinian figures

British legislators must divorce their Zionist handlers, get a hold of themselves and apologise to the Chris Williamsons who had the mettle to defend British democracy under siege 

Open letter to British MPs in defence of the Williamsons, Walkers, Greensteins and their all too few conscientious objector peers
By Fernando Guevara

British MPs must stop acting like children obeying abusive parents. They must stop giving ground to Zionism instead of defending their constituencies and the conscientious objectors who are now subject to witch-hunts for carrying out their duties in the face of Zionist demands. What are those Zionist demands? That MPs relinquish their mandates. That they cease and desist from representing their constituents. In short, that they surrender the British Parliament to Zionism. Complete capitulation to Zionism is at the core of the demands. 

Let it be clear that the failure to identify the nature of the Zionist demands and the only possible outcome of submitting to them is the reason that Britain has lost its democracy to a genocidal cult that couldn’t be less concerned about the rise of racism, which they themselves lead.

It is in the nature of the dynamics between abuser and abused in any seriously diseased relationship that ceding ground encourages the abuse. Attempts to appease Zionist demands have therefore had the only possible outcome: encouraging and emboldening the abusers to demand more. As a matter of course, Labour’s and Jeremy Corbyn’s giving ground to Zionism could not, therefore, have resulted in a situation much different from the moral breakdown of the Labour Party that we are witnessing. Let it be clear that the failure to identify the nature of the Zionist demands and the only possible outcome of submitting to them is the reason that Britain has lost its democracy to a genocidal cult that couldn’t be less concerned about the rise of racism, which they themselves lead. In short, the fact that most MPs have acted like abused children, trying to appease a morally depraved parent, allegedly “concerned” about the child’s behaviour, has had the one foreseeable outcome of bringing the relationship to a catastrophe. 

To the all too few MPs who stood up to IHRA-based government takeover: It is impossible to list each one of you by name, but please know that you are all intended recipients of this defence. YOU conscientious objectors are the only representatives we have.

This letter is in defence of each person who has stood up to the IHRA and similar Zionist enforcement agencies in Britain and elsewhere. The IHRA is the euphemistically named International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (its mission is explained below). To the all too few MPs who stood up to IHRA-based government takeover: It is impossible to list each one of you by name, but please know that you are all intended recipients of this defence. Youconscientious objectors are the only representatives we have. You are the only heroes that we have. You stood firm, trying to stop Zionism from forcing its way between us and our elected governments. So, while I primarily speak about Chris Williamson’s case in the following, all who resisted the shameful expropriation of democracy are held in mind. Further, a huge thank you to Labour Against the Witchhunt, Labour Against Zionist Islamophobic Racism(LAZIR), Norman Finkelstein, Noam Chomsky and each upstanding group and individual who has stood up for the persecuted. 

Should anyone have lingering doubts about the nature of Zionist demands for British government subservience, or about the result of caving in to them, might I suggest a glance at the Labour Party’s webpage under the heading “No Place For Antisemitism”. Observe how the very reasonable caption moves seamlessly onto open admissions that Labour is a political home for Zionists and the assertion that Zionism is not in itself racism. I felt a bit dazed when I read this document. This posting is a gratuitous surrender to the IHRA. It encompasses a final divorce from the non-racism that most of the half a million members of the Labour Party stand for. The moral depravity of Zionist demands, as expressed in this document, is so complete that it is difficult to fully grasp the depth and magnitude of it. On the other end, the cowardice of British Labour MPs is deafening. It is damning. I ask that you not take my word for it, but that you take the time to read this document that officially conveys Labour’s capitulation, following Britain’s abdication of national sovereignty to Zionism. The IHRA is now your government. Labour’s concession speech, as expressed in this post, has been tentatively accepted by the IHRA coalition. For now.

By identifying the nature and purpose of false anti-Semitism allegations, we could have not only stemmed the full moral breakdown of democracy, but also put anti-Semitism into perspective and proportion in relation to the bigger context of racism. That is beyond the scope of this letter, but I strongly recommend reading a very profound reflection on the matter at here.

In other words, most MPs have proven themselves incapable of leading Britain – the rank and file members must do so instead. 

What is IHRA?

The IHRA is a Zionist inquisition movement, posing as a human rights organisation that allegedly seeks to rid the world of anti-Semitism.For the purpose of enforcing Zionism on Western governments, the IHRA and its allied organisations have therefore found every serious opponent of Zionism to be “anti-Semitic”, and have pursued witch-hunts on politicians who oppose giving up Western democracies to Zionist interests. The allegation that the selected object of each witch-hunt is an “anti-Semite” is the starting point of each mission of persecution.

The IHRA is a Zionist inquisition movement, posing as a human rights organisation that allegedly seeks to rid the world of anti-Semitism.

I have addressed the IHRA concept of “anti-Semitism” in a recent article, Wider still and wider: The holocaust alliance’s solicited anti-Semitism as a reaction to insufficient supply of anti-Semitism. The IHRA has demanded that all resistance to Zionism be labelled “anti-Semitism”. The upshot of it is that, to avoid being “anti-Semitic”, one must: (1) Be willing to accept racism from a Zionist because he or she identifies as Jewish, and (2). Be willing to self-destruct, if one is a Palestinian. And also if one is not a Palestinian, but one happens to believe that human dignity is universal. 

The IHRA-concept of “anti-Semitism” has gutted the essence of the definition of racism to the point of inverting it, and has force-fed us Zionism in the guise of human rights. It is a full-blown assault on our ability to perceive and carry out decency. It is important to note that this method is at the core of the Zionist modus operandi for securing compliance: weakening human morals by conflating opposites or incompatibles: anti-racism is the same as racism; Israeli fascism and genocide is an expression of democracy, and so on. Like offering death instead of life; hate instead of loveRelentlessly attacking our senses in the hope that we will eventually become confused or fatigued enough to be incapable of distinguishing the differences. 

The witch-hunts that use the IHRA-concept as a starting point aim to erode, by shock and exhaustion, our reactions against unreal accusation of anti-Semitism that have corrupted the British Labour Party and other Western entities intended to protect the common good. The IHRA-brand persecution attempts to replace reason with moral panic. While we are in a state of mass hysteria, it is hoped, Zionism will insert itself between us, the people, and our governments. The IHRA concept is, aside from a tool to turn racism into virtue and vice versa, an assault on our analytical thinking where the IHRA’s Zionist ideology has failed to convince us. From the horse’s mouth: The Jewish Leadership Council revealed the goal quite clearly bywining that The ‘free speech caveat’ drives a coach and horses through the IHRA definition”.

… whether as a result of misapprehension or from sheer cowardice or greed, British MPs have led Labour to join Macron and other morally infirm Western “leaders” who have declared subservience to Zionism, an ideology that considers 70 years of Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people “self-defence”.

The failure to recognise the core of the problem has landed us where we are now: Not only have we overlooked the Zionist relation to truth (usually:inverted), but some of us have obviously been led to believe that Zionist enforcers are concerned about anti-Semitism, or racism of any kind. In other words, we have taken their stated concern about anti-Semitism at face value – treated it as a sincere worry. Alternatively, some (many, I fear) MPs do not care one way or another, as they do not seem to be bothered with their constituencies beyond their wish to be put in office by them. Thus, whether as a result of misapprehension or from sheer cowardice or greed, British MPs have led Labour to join Macron and other morally infirm Western “leaders” who have declared subservience to Zionism, an ideology that considers 70 years of Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people “self-defence”. While, by the Zionist IHRA-concept, everybody else’s self-defence is anti-Semitic

The conscientious objectors

At a Sheffield Momentum meeting, Labour MP Chris Williamson said

… the [Labour] party that’s done more to stand up to racism is now being demonised as a racist, bigoted party. I’ve got to say, I think our party’s response has been partly responsible for that. Because, in my opinion… we’ve backed off far too much, we’ve given too much ground, we’ve been too apologetic.

Note the Guardian’s misquote in the caption to the video – “Chris Williamson says Labour has been ‘too apologetic’ about anti-Semitism”. 

Williamson was right, and with an overdue message. His clear, principled statement met with applause. He went on to say that the Labour Party has done more to address the scourge of anti-Semitism than any other political party. Yet, Williamson’s statement has been disingenuously and gratuitously misreported along the lines of “Chris Williamson says Labour has been ‘too apologetic’ about anti-Semitism”. That’s not what he said! And they all know it. Yet, he was crucified for speaking truth to terror. Moreover, the fact that Williamson (unfortunately, I thought) apologised for his choice of words was not enough for Zionist agents in the British government. In their relentlessly sadistic tradition, they wanted more punishment of Williamson, more humiliation, more fear from those who would defend his honourable stance. Shame on those who have allowed our Western democracies to disintegrate in the hands of these terror-networks that are foreign to any form of human dignity! 

I have never encountered a Zionist network that has caused me to believe in the slightest possibility of Zionism living peacefully with any other group or nation. I have not witnessed an example of human kindness in a Zionist enforcer, or even a moment of hesitation for what they can condone. Not one. I wept bitterly, reading the news recently about individual lives being ruined. One Palestinian little boy’s parents had preserved their last memories of him by putting his chocolate-banana popsicle and a piece of watermelon on a toothpick in their freezer. He had held these when he was shot in the head by an Israeli soldier.

Meanwhile, the British Labour Party presents its plan for a better, fairer Britain as a vision for a country that works for the many, not just the privileged few. On the issue of racism, it states:

The Labour Party is an anti-racist party, committed to combating and campaigning against all forms of racism, including anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.

Yes, this is the same website that declares Labour a political home for Zionists. If they are capable of erasing that distinction in their minds, where are these people leading Britain? 

Let’s illustrate. In September 2018, Labour’s ruling body agreed to adopt the IHRA’s demands for its concept of anti-Semitism in full after an accompanying clarification put forward by Jeremy Corbyn was not accepted. The passage of Corbyn’s reservations to blanket capitulation that made his proposal unacceptable was allegedly that he stated:

It cannot be considered racist to treat Israel like any other state or assess its conduct against the standards of international law. Nor should it be regarded as anti-Semitic to describe Israel, its policies or the circumstances around its foundation as racist because of their discriminatory impact, or to support another settlement of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

The National Executive Committee (NEC) of the Labour party allowed, however, the release of brief remarks emphasising freedom of expression on Israel and the rights of Palestinians. (I’m reminded of the Balfour Declaration – relinquishing Palestinian rights to a third party, the Zionist, aggressor, with an antithetical caveat stating that this must not hurt the Palestinians.) 

All 11 chilling examples of “anti-Semitic” behaviour which accompanied the IHRA-demands for required thought and speech around anyone who identifies as “Jewish” were adopted by the NEC.

While Corbyn has backed off far too much, given far too much ground, I refuse to dismiss him as a strong advocate for justice.

Based on this shutdown of the purported non-racist ideology of the Labour Party, in February 2019 Chris Williamson was suspended from the party for his principled stance against giving more ground to Zionism. Williamson’s suspension was followed by re-admittance several months later, which resulted in a severe backlash from the same fascist, self-proclaimed and self-serving, alleged leaders of the British “Jewish community”. As a result of the second witch-hunt, Chris Williamson was re-suspended two days after being re-instated. This is all in spite of the fact that Williamson enjoys overwhelming grassroots support for being the excellent politician and decent human being that he is.

Corbyn was reluctant to suspend Williamson but, sadly, did not stand by him when push came to shove. While Corbyn has backed off far too much, given far too much ground, I refuse to dismiss him as a strong advocate for justice. I would like to quote Noam Chomsky on Corbyn’s human rights record:

The charges of anti-Semitism against Corbyn are without merit, an underhanded contribution to the disgraceful efforts to fend off the threat that a political party might emerge that is led by an admirable and decent human being, a party that is actually committed to the interests and just demands of its popular constituency and the great majority of the population generally, while also authentically concerned with the rights of suffering and oppressed people throughout the world. Plainly an intolerable threat to order.

Norman Finkelstein has pointed out that Corbyn has devoted a lifetime to fighting racism, and has said of him that, by global leadership standards, he cuts a saintly figure. I would like to add that Corbyn has steadfastly voted against British military intervention in the Middle East. This, on the other hand, cannot be said for Williamson. What can be said for Williamson, however, is that he has had the moral fibre to state publicly his deep regret over having voted in support of British military intervention (Libya, Iraq) in the past, and that he has taken responsibility for the fact that he had been very conflicted during the time-period in which he did so. Which one of us can say that we have never made disastrous mistakes that we deeply regret?  It takes a strong man or woman to repent publicly. Williamson has done so, and he has become a strong opponent of British intervention since the “scales fell from his eyes”, as I believe he put it. I think we should take him very seriously as the principled human rights advocate that he is today.

Corbyn has fought so hard to fight racism in the past. He has the mental makeup to identify the elements of fairness. What happened? He clearly does not belong to the category of MPs who greedily or cowardly cave in for personal gain. It does not seem too farfetched to believe that Corbyn, too, will own up, and regret that he did not do the right thing in the face of Zionist demands; that he did not resist the IHRA and its likes; that he did not stand by Williamson in his darkest hour. I do believe that Corbyn, who himself has faced abject lack of backing by Labour MPs, will come to recognise that his biggest mistake was to fail to identify the very nature of Zionist demands for his capitulation which, as noted, could only have ended as it did, with the present situation of increased demands. By failing to stand by Williamson, moreover, he opened himself up to the increased likelihood of being deposed himself. I can only speculate on what Corbyn has been threatened with. 

Let it be clear: these terror groups are no lobbyists. It is a misuse of language when we refer to them as the “Jewish lobby”. They are neither. I have previously pointed out that acts of blackmail, bribery, slander, libel, sabotage, dealing in obscene matter, persecution, including threats to life and livelihood are determined “lobbying” only if done by Zionists. I have protested the dangers of covering up such acts with anaemic terms like “lobbying”. Even people who just failed to join the witch-hunts (as opposed to being targets thereof themselves) have been pursued by the IHRA and other groups whose misnomers attempt to hide the essence of their terror. Zionist enforcers have never sought peace and dignity for anyone. And that includes for the Jews. An open letter by over 100 prominent Jewish members and supporters of the Labour Party stated, among other things: 

As anti-racist Jews, we regard Chris [Williamson] as our ally: he stands as we do with the oppressed rather than the oppressor. It should also be noted that he has a longer record of campaigning against racism and fascism than most of his detractors… We ask the Labour Party to reinstate Chris Williamson and cease persecuting such members on false allegations of anti-Semitism.

“Let it be very, very clear: Zionism is nobody’s  friend”

But in 2018 three Zionist newspapers had published a joint editorial warning that a Corbyn-led government would pose an “existential threat to Jewish life in this country”. That was a call to action. Nothing was going to be permitted to get in the way of that pursuit. The aforementioned letter did not even impede the witch-hunts. Is this the thanks Britain gets for 100 years of crawling before Zionism? Let it be very, very clear: Zionism is nobody’s  friend.

I am including the following version of First They Came… (German Pastor Niemøller’s famous anti-Nazi prose from 1946) that I recently came across, to remind you of the nature of these witch-hunts, and the legacy of those of you who allow them to proceed:

First they came for Tony Greenstien and I did not speak out – because I was neither Jewish nor anti-Zionist
Then they came for Marc Wadsworth and I did not speak out – because I was neither Black nor an anti-racist
Then they came for Jackie Walker and I did not speak out – because I was neither a Black anti-racist nor a Jewish anti-Zionist
Then they came for Ken Livingstone and I did not speak out– because it was easier to keep silent about Zionism
Then they came for Chris Williamson and I did not speak out – because it is easier not to confront Tom Watson and Labour Friends of Israel
Then they came for Jeremy Corbyn and there was no one left to speak out.

To the morally infirm: Those of you who betrayed your comrades to appease Zionists – I ask that you ponder this. Each time you ceded ground to Zionism, Zionism was encouraged to demand more. In response, you gave up democracy.

To the morally infirm: Those of you who betrayed your comrades to appease Zionists – I ask that you ponder this. Each time you ceded ground to Zionism, Zionism was encouraged to demand more. In response, you gave up democracy. How could you respond to war criminals as if you believed that their “concerns” about anti-Semitism where made in good faith? How could you betray your countries and your comrades by siding with their attackers? And do you think that, by crawling over the boots of your Zionist kickers, you have gained their respect? Is that what you believe? If you retain an ounce of self-respect, I hope you gather it and apologise to Ken Livingstone or Mary Bain Lockhart, or anyone else who deserves all the restitution they can get. They have paid so dearly. You have sold them so cheaply. You have so shamed your constituencies by belly-crawling before the most organised racist movement of our time: Zionist genocide-inciters, defenders, and financiers. You have slithered to obey their instructions, wiping their boots with the mandates bestowed upon you at the ballots. At the end of the day, where does that leave you?

We must clean up the British House of Commons, the US House of Representatives and similar legislatures of ill repute. We can no longer delay the expulsion of Zionism from our governments. 

No more Zionism! What we allow is what will continue.

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