One Million Brexit Coins Ordered by Over-Confident Boris Johnson: Now Both Invalid

One Million Brexit Coins Ordered by Over-Confident Boris Johnson: Now Both Invalid

By Hans Stehling

Global Research,

It is today reported that Boris Johnson, in an act of arrogance, had ordered the Royal Mint to produce one million 50p coins to commemorate Brexit on October 31st last in the misplaced hope that he would succeed in his plan for leaving Europe on that date.   Now, with his face covered in egg, he has ordered the coins to be melted down and recycled.

The total cost of this expensive fiasco to the tax-payer has not been disclosed as the Government claims it is ‘commercially sensitive’.  In fact, what is sensitive, is whether this temporary Prime Minister will himself defray the cost of this expensive misjudgement, which is estimated to be in the region of some hundreds of thousands of pounds.

I suppose we are fortunate that he didn’t also order a customised Rolls Royce to take him to Heathrow there to board a brand new, executive-jet to fly him to have dinner in the White House with the 45th POTUS, Donald  J Trump, who is currently facing the prospect of impeachment in office. Once there, no doubt Johnson was expecting to finalise a new, comprehensive, UK-US TRADE deal – except for one small detail I.e. the U.K. Government is powerless to negotiate any trade deal until Brexit is an accomplished fact.

This then is the story of an inexperienced prime minister with big ideas that are sadly not commensurate with his innate abilities.  Boris Johnson has always been an inveterate loser and lacking in judgement – even as Foreign Secretary, as evidenced by a British mother still languishing in Prison in Iran.

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