One For All, And All For One


The will of the people is bound to prevail.

By Dr. Ashraf Ezzat 

Thousands of Egyptians demanding that Mubarak steps down.

History has always shown us that people are seldom seen dreaming like one, thinking like one, aspiring to one goal and acting like one for all, and all for one.

We had many fictions and fairly tales that celebrated such oneness but we had very few realities on the ground.

Years and even centuries would pass by before any group of people could be united in heart and mind, before they could start realizing that they can and will make things change according to their true will … and before they believe that they can achieve magical moments with no need for crystal ball.

Millions of people can’t be wrong.

Millions of people can’t do wrong

Millions of people can’t go wrong … when they are joined as one in front of forces of corruption and hypocrisy.

Nothing and no one could stand in front of millions hungry for freedom and dignity.

No one has the power to hide the sun of truth and no one can abort the dawn of liberation and freedom.

Free at last

The will of the people is bound to prevail.

A dictator is like a spider you have to destroy him to get rid of a web of corruption and deception.

The dictator is finally out of Egypt.

Egyptians have every right to celebrate this glorious and rare historical moment.

Let’s hope this will bring a better tomorrow.

Let’s hope the millions would not forget this moment when they were one for all, and all for one.

For more articles by Dr. Ashraf Ezzat visit his website:

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