Someone pointed me to a recent piece about why it’s reasonable to call other atrocities Shoah, a Hebrew word that means literally catastrophe or devastation, and in its proper noun variant, is used for Holocaust. The author is of zero interest to me. What interests me is that it is taken as a point of high principle that atrocities other than those that occurred to “Jews” (but really to Roma, the disabled, gays, communists, trade-unionists, and others) should also be called Shoah, genocide, or Holocaust. Like most principles dear to the Facebook and Twitter battalions of the Palestine solidarity movement, this is stupidity of the first order. It’s stupid because under the cover of anti-Zionism, it’s Zionist to the core: a people has not endured tragedy until it has had its own Holocaust.
Atrocity must mirror the purposeful genocide of the Jews before it can enter into the historical ledger books as intolerable massacre. It’s also deeply racist: atrocity must be compared to not only Jewish atrocity but white peoples’ atrocity before it becomes real. It’s colonialist: the first atrocity to enter History was the Holocaust. Forget Leopold’s War. Forget Armenia. Forget the capitalist famines of the late Victorian Era. Shoahshoahshoah. Sorry but I had to get that out of my system.
Technorati Tags: capitalism, colonialism, Genocide, Holocaust, Holocaust Industry, Israel,Palestine, Zionism
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