Ramallah – Some 140 countries support a United Nations General Assembly resolution recognizing Palestine, a senior Palestinian official said Sunday.
‘Around 140 countries would vote in favor of an independent state of Palestine during the United Nations General Assembly meetings due to start on September 23,’ Nabil Shaath, a senior negotiator, told a news conference in Ramallah.
He said his estimated number was the result of marathon visits by Palestinian leaders across the globe over the past months.
‘Many Palestinian leaders and officials (including Shaath) went on separate tours and visits to convince the world’s countries to recognize the Palestinian state on the territories occupied by Israel in 1967,’ said Shaath.
The Palestinians are determined to approach the UN later this month to demand a full membership of the independent state of Palestine established on the territories occupied by Israel in 1967.
The Palestinian decision was made after the direct peace talks with Israel had been stalled for almost one year. They suspended the talks with Israel after the latter refused to halt settlement building in the West Bank and east Jerusalem.
‘The Palestinian side is determined to achieve full membership of the state of Palestine in the United Nations, counting on the wide support the Palestinians have gained during the recent tours and visits,’ said Shaath.