Nazi Occupation arrests 5 editors in the West Bank

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr


Nazi Occupied West Bank: Last night, at dawn Sunday, the Nazi occupation forces arrested 5 Palestinians from all over the occupied West Bank.

The arrests were concentrated tonight in the town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron, where the occupation forces arrested 4 Palestinians, all of whom were released prisoners.

According to local and media sources, the detainees are: “Editor Hassan Adam Khalil, the liberated boy Moamen Al-Tait, editor Kassab Abu Dayyeh, and editor Abdel Nasser Abu Mariya” from Beit Ummar, north of Hebron, south of the West Bank.

The Nazi Occupation Forces also arrested the editor, Mohsen Husam Al-Razza, at a checkpoint erected between Nablus and Ramallah.

The Nazi occupation forces raided the dawn of the town of Nahalin, west of Bethlehem, after doubts about the infiltration in the “Roche Tsurim” settlement, which is built on the lands of the town.

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30,000 arrests of Palestinians since 2015


Nazi occupied Ramallah: Abdel Nasser Farwana, a prisoner’s specialist, said today, Sunday, that since 2015, the number of arrests has increased dramatically and unprecedentedly. Over the past five years, more than 30,000 cases of detention have been recorded, and 16 prisoners have been martyred Inside the Nazi occupation camps.

And Farwana added in press statements: “It is interesting that the occupation authorities escalated their repression of the prisoners and deliberately harmed them and tightened the noose on them.”

He explained, “Those years were marked by an escalation of organized crime, the legitimization of violations and state terrorism. In this context, the Israeli Knesset discussed and passed a series of racist legislation, with the support and support of all components of the political system in the occupying state.”

He pointed out that the aim was to authorize the arrest of children, to increase the punishment against them, to tighten the screws on the prisoners, to abuse their national identity, and to reinforce the Nazi racist narrative by presenting the world as if they were “criminals and killers” and not fighters and freedom fighters, in a miserable Nazi attempt to criminalize the struggles of the Palestinian people and their struggle for freedom. And independence.

He called on all institutions and committees concerned, with the participation of prisoners in prisons, to meet, discuss and agree on a national vision and a practical plan to address the Nazi measures against the prisoners and the danger they pose to the issue.

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