Summing up both statements by Brzezinski and Kerry it’s becoming quite obvious that an alternative media and the independent minds worldwide connected to it ARE having an effect on global affairs.
(Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
By Sergey Baranov
As the Obama administration presses Congress for permission for a military intervention in Syria, citizens around the world are rallying against it. (1) At first glance, it might seem that the people’s voice is slow to be heard or taken seriously, when a military strike is planned and on schedule. (2) But are they really unstoppable?
According to prominent figures such as Zbigniew Brzezinski, they are not. A former US National Security Adviser and Trilateral Commission co-founder has said during an interview with Germany’s DW News that a growing political awakening is making it difficult to solve regional conflicts. “Given the contemporary reality of what I have called in my writings ‘Global Political Awakening,’ a policy of force based primarily on Western and in some cases former colonial powers does not seem to me a very promising avenue to an eventual solution to the regional problem,” said Brzezinski, referring to the situation in Syria.’’ (3)
A few years back, Zbigniew Brzezinski gave another speech at the CFR conference during which he said that ‘’for the first time in human history almost all of mankind is politically awake and activated. And that is an enormous change.’’ While referring to dominating Atlantic powers, Brzezinski continued: ‘’The lethality of their power is greater than ever, their capacity to impose control over the politically awakened masses of the world is at a historical low. In earlier times, it was easier to control a million people than to physically kill a million people.
Today is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.’’ (4) This global awakening, to which a chief architect of U.S. world hegemony is referring to, has become possible thanks to the internet, something which was also confirmed recently by the Secretary of State John Kerry during his last week visit to Brazil. As it has been reported by the Intellihub,( 5)in his statement John Kerry complained about how difficult the internet has made it for the ruling class to “govern” people’’.
Summing up both statements by Brzezinski and Kerry it’s becoming quite obvious that an alternative media and the independent minds worldwide connected to it ARE having an effect on global affairs. This is why it has been, still is and will be a continuous attempt to control the internet by the global elite. The recently failed internet bills such as CISPA and FISPA were only a beginning of these efforts. More of them will be coming and we the people must watch them like hawks, steadfastly speaking against them as though our lives depend on it.
[1] Protesters rally for and against possible U.S.-led attack on Syria –CTV News
[2] General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned – Seven Countries In Five Years – Youtube
[3] Brzezinski: ‘Global Political Awakening’ Making Syrian War Difficult –Story Leak
[4] Democrat Zbigniew Brzezinski: “It is easier to kill one million people, than it is to control them.” – Bilderberger
[5] Kerry Says Internet “Makes it Much Harder to Govern” and “Organize” People – Intellihub