

Tell Congress: Roll’em back!
Corporate Democrats want to extend tax cuts for the rich. Tell them to get a backbone!

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What if I told you we could help the economy, challenge Big Money and turn back the Tea Party’s election efforts – all at the same time?
President Obama and Speaker Pelosi want to roll back the Bush tax cuts for the richest 2% – but keep the tax cuts for The Other 98% of Americans. Our friends at The Other 98% have started a petition to support them. Will you join us in rolling them back?
It’s such a common-sense move that even John Boehner is in favor of it. Republicans are now stuck in a tough space – if they go along, they alienate their corporate overlords; if they protest, they squander their newfound “populist” image.
This should be a slam dunk, except that some corporate-funded Congressional Democrats are digging in their heels. 31 House Democrats signed a letter to Nancy Pelosi asking her to extend all or none of Bush tax cuts. According to these corporate-funded representatives, if the rich don’t get a tax-cut, then millions of working families should pay the consequences.
We’ve had enough of “trickle-down economics.” It doesn’t work and never did. Can you sign this emergency petition asking Congressional Democrats to do right by the other 98%? Click here.
Then, help us keep the momentum by sending it to your friends and family.
Thanks so much for putting up a fight – and protecting working Americans.
Jay Els
TrueMajority / USAction

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