

Rights groups slam proposal to investigate anti-IDF organizations

Jonathan Lis – Haaretz – “”The persecution campaign against human rights and citizens rights groups has reached a new low,” said MK Nitzan Horowitz (Meretz ), calling the initiative “a shame on the Knesset.” id



Ashton ahead of visit: No alternative to a negotiated deal

STAFF AND HERB KEINON – J-lem Post – “”Urgent progress is now needed towards a lasting Israeli-Palestinian peace and the European Union will continue to support all efforts towards that goal.”” Ashton said. –



Qassam hits Israel; IDF attacks Gaza targets

Ynet – “”The IDF will not tolerate any attempt to harm Israeli citizens or IDF soldiers and will continue acting against any element using terror against the State of Israel,” the army said.”



Facing the towers and the powers

Adam Keller – Crazy Country – “…in September 2007, the judges ordered the army to move the fence westwards and return to the Bil`in residents at least the land on which the settlers had not had time to build, yet.”



E Jerusalem home demolitions up

AFP – Daily Times – “…a shift in the Jerusalem municipality’s policy in east Jerusalem, which simultaneously increases home demolitions while promoting the construction of hundreds of new residential units for Israelis in east Jerusalem.””



Bereaved Israelis, Palestinians Unite Across Violent Borders

Mel Frykberg – Antiwar – ““Waiting for our respective leaderships to forge peace will take too long,” Israeli board director and forum member Rami Elchanan told IPS. “It is through the common people that we can consider a different tomorrow.””



Court rules settler, not Palestinian, can work field

Chaim Levinson – Haaretz – ” “Every settler will now be able to demand Palestinian land. … The judge`s decision is difficult to understand, when he himself says the settler didn`t present even a shred of evidence showing his ownership of the land over many years.”” id



The return of the Mavi Marmara 

Faiz Ahmed – EI – “…this was not a Turkish political rally. As evident in the diverse cast of speakers and supporters in attendance, this was an international coalition of humanitarians, standing up for Palestine, and against injustice, wherever it may be.”



Opposition, trade unions blast Israeli official`s visit to Jordan

m&c – “The protest follows Israeli reports that Arad paid a secret visit to Jordan on December 27 and met with Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh.”



Jerusalem boxing club unites Jews and Arabs in and out of the ring

Joel Greenberg – Washington Post – “Palestinians from East Jerusalem have earned their boxing credentials at the club, training with Russian-speaking Jewish immigrants, bearded yeshiva students and settlers from the West Bank.”



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