Notice the difference in media coverage between this and the Catholic Church scandal


Rabbi Child Molestation Scandal
By Ian Mosley

The Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz reports: “The Jerusalem prosecutor’s office summoned Rabbi Mordechai (Moti) Elon to a pre-indictment hearing on Thursday. The prosecutor’s office is considering putting Elon on trial for committing sexual offenses against two minors during 2003 and 2005. In late January Channel 10 reported that the prosecutor’s office recommended that Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein indict Rabbi Elon for forcibly committing sexual offenses against the two minors.” The “offenses” include forcible rape of a number of young boys. In case you might think this is an isolated incident, a recent news article reports that former rabbi Edward Schlaeger was found with two compact discs loaded with child pornography. Child porn laws are one of the few remaining morality laws that are enforced in this country. Can you imagine any Gentile getting found with two CDs of kiddie porn and not going to prison?

Does anyone seriously think that if this character were a Christian minister or a Catholic priest (especially the latter) he wouldn’t have been crucified in the media on prime time? And whatever happened to that rabbi who was successfully entrapped by “To Catch A Predator” on television, coming into a house expecting to have sex with a child? That case seems to have dropped right off the radar. A Google search of “rabbi child molester” finds no shortage of articles. One website reports “Convicted sex offender Yechiel Brauner is back on the streets again after his latest arrest. Brauner who is currently on probation for fondling a 15 year-old boy in a hearst on the way to his grandmother’s levaya is now again in trouble for allgedly falsifying documents, conspiring to rob a dying old woman of her home and for failing to report that he was a sex offender when he applied for his notary public. Brauner was released on $85,000 bail…”

Another article reports “The most ‘far-flung and exotic fugitive investigation ever conducted by the U.S. Marshals Service’ ended early Sunday with convicted child molester Alan Horowitz in custody on U.S. soil.

Alan Horowitz was convicted in 1991 on 34 counts of child molestation. Officers from the U.S. Marshals service arrested the 60-year-old at Newark Liberty International Airport after a 15-hour flight from New Delhi, India. The ordained Orthodox rabbi and former child psychologist was arrested on May 22 at a seaside resort… He is being held at a correctional facility in New Jersey and will appear before an extradition judge on July 16th before being taken to New York to face a parole violation charge there.

He also faces a federal charge of unlawful flight to avoid prosecution.” Ha’aretz goes on: “In August, the police recommended to indict Rabbi Elon, after they claimed they had enough evidence to accuse him of carrying out sexual offenses against one minor. The case was transferred to the Jerusalem prosecutor’s office for consideration, who recommended Thursday to indict Rabbi Elon. During the investigation of the case, police found a young man who testified that from 2005 to 2006, when he was still a minor, Elon forcibly committed indecent acts against him.

After a number of examinations that supported the complainant’s statements, the attorney general decided to open a criminal file against Elon in 2010. During the investigation police say another person came forward and told them that when he was a minor, Elon had sexually abused him, and Elon was summoned again for questioning. At the end of the questioning Elon was released.” Why was he released and not arrested?

More Ha’aretz: “Last year Rabbi Elon’s sexual harassment allegations were made public for the first time. Takana, a forum that fights sexual abuse in the Orthodox community and is comprised of Rabbis and educators in religious Zionist circles, said they decided to go public with the allegations because Elon did not follow the restrictions imposed on him.” Could the restrictions have included staying away from young boys?

Pedophiles can’t be cured; they can only be thrown in prison, which temporarily interrupts their string of molestations. Don’t hold your breath for rabbinical molestations to get a fraction of the attention that a certain other molestation scandal got. I found this story buried on the cyber-version of the back pages of an Israeli newspaper that few people in this country have ever heard of.

One thought on “Notice the difference in media coverage between this and the Catholic Church scandal

  1. Let me get this straight.
    It is out of bounds for ANYBODY to criticize the Roman Catholic Church’s MASSIVE record of priests molesting children REPEATEDLY over LONG PERIORDS OF TIME, and their superiors KNOWING these crimes and PROTECTING the criminals by moving them to OTHER HUNTING GROUNDS,
    U N L E S S they belong to a society in which there are NO WRONGDOERS !!!
    WHY, my friend, are you IDENTIFYING with the Catholic PERPETRATORS, instead of with the CATHOLIC VICTIMS?

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