Kamel Hawwash Vice Chairman of PSC

No cooperation with IsraHell war crimes: step up the campaign

by pasta

January 13, 2012

The following resolution has been proposed by the CPGB-ML to the upcoming Palestine Solidarity Campaign ‘PSC’ AGM.

A very similar resolution was opposed by the PSC executive last year, on some extremely spurious grounds.

It is our belief that the contents of the following resolution are entirely uncontroversial to 95 percent of Palestine solidarity activists. However, since the resolution calls for the PSC to actively encourage British workers to use their collective power to prevent British companies and media outlets from participating in Israeli war crimes, the resolution is decidedly harmful to the interests of British imperialism.

Thus it is clearly NOT acceptable to the imperialist, zionist Labour party, or to the Labour-affiliated leaders of the trade-union movement.

PSC members need to decide whether they want to build a broad movement that really does aim to give meaningful solidarity to Palestine, or whether they prefer to let the PSC executive maintain its cosy relationship with various left-Labour and TUC bigwigs … and to allow these interests to dictate that their ’solidarity’ work should be kept at the level of a charitable occupation that won’t threaten imperialist interests.

Experience has shown that they can’t do both.

No cooperation with war crimes: step up the campaign

Conference reaffirms its belief that the majority of people in Britain are opposed to British imperialism’s support for the criminal Israeli state, and considers that the time is ripe to make active non-cooperation a central theme of our work.

Conference therefore calls on the steering committee to take the line of non-cooperation into as many arenas as possible, including:

1. Building support within individual unions and at the TUC for motions that draw attention to the complicity of Britain’s government and corporations in Israeli war crimes, and that also call on workers to refuse to cooperate in their commission (eg, by making or moving munitions or other equipment, by writing or broadcasting propaganda, or helping in any other way to smooth the path of Israel’s war machine).

2. Following the example set by websites such as and by the 2010 PSC Panorama campaign in building an ongoing movement to hold the media to account for their pivotal role in apologising for, covering up and normalising Israel’s crimes.

3. Putting on fundraising events that will both draw attention to the jailed Gaza protesters’ plight and contribute towards a campaign to overturn their convictions.

4. Giving support and publicity to groups or individuals who, like the EDO Decommissioners and the Raytheon activists, are targeted by the state for refusing to cooperate with, or for actively attempting to prevent the many crimes of, the occupation.

5. Continuing and increasing the work already done to make Britain a place where Israeli war criminals can get no peace: through the campaign on universal jurisdiction, through citizens’ arrests and through any other available channels, including using local, national and international courts to draw attention to the crimes of Israeli military, government and corporate leaders – and those in Britain who back them politically or financially.


How to get rid of Anti-Semitism (by Latuff)
Well, Paul, perhaps Joti can teach us some basic history. 

“To those with a basic grasp of history, it is clear that the Jewish holocaust did actually take place. To those with a basic grasp of the workings of imperialism, it is equally clear that the same racist scapegoating that led to the German extermination of European jews has been reborn in Israel’s treatment of Palestinians in particular and Arab and muslim peoples in general.”

Joti has not quite grasped the issues at the AGM. PSC does not have adequate procedures; it has avoided drawing up disciplinary procedures for 6 years or so, since the adoption of the current constitution, which has had slight amendments since. In 2005, there was a motion on racism which I dubbed to myself the McCarthyite motion. This motion was all for the quiet, friendly word approach to alleged trangressors much favoured by Betty Hunter which leaves the accuser as judge & jury. I asked that we have a proper procedure in which the accused had the opportunity to make their case. I was shouted down. (This is when I first came across Tony Greenstein, though I did not know it was he.)

Francis Clark-Lowes knows how difficult it has been to deal with the accusation against him by TG, in the absence of a proper procedure. The EC, quite probably Ben Soffa in practice, have been able to make it up as they went along – leaving Francis not knowing what was happening or whether it was proper or not. Lack of clarity & accountability has enabled TG & co to use the weapon of accusations of anti-semitism to gain they power they have.

What we are fighting for now is to be able to debate the proposed procedure as widely as possible, particularly in branches, before it is adopted. We want it to be as accountable as possible. The EC hopes to take away the one bit of accountability there is – appeal to the AGM.

The only bit of Joti’s piece I agree with is the identification of preoccupation with anti-semitism as being PSC’s major role at the moment and we’ve all been saying that.


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