News**News**News By SHOAHFebruary 19, 2011World NOVANEWS THE GENTILE LIBERATION FRONT by crescentandcross The Winds of Change in the Arab World: Aborting the Palestinian State ‘Death to Arabs’ spray-painted in village Thousands call for death of Iran opposition leaders Obama calls Abbas over UN vote Rabbis to get immunity? Jordan: Muslims demand ban on nightclubs New Afghan War Plans to Cost Extra $125 Billion Iran Warships Suez Canal Passage ‘Back On’ Zio-Nazi Army Targets and Arrests Children in Order to Repress Palestinian Dissent in West Bank 9 out of 10 attacks by Zio-Nazi’s on Palestinians lead to no indictment or punishment Barghouti warns that IsraHell is exploiting regional events to push Judaisation of Jerusalem West sponsors terrorism: Iran lawmaker US report: Iran not after nuclear arms Bahrain Henchmen’s opens fire on protesters Lebanon sentences Zionist spy to death Man denied compensation after acquittal US-led airstrike kills 37 Afghan civilians