News**News**News By SHOAHFebruary 4, 2011World NOVANEWS by crescentandcross Depleted Urnaium–Israel and America’s gift that keeps on giving to the children of Iraq and Afghanistan ‘US hopes for power transition in Egypt’ The West’s Itch to Meddle Is No Help ‘Egyptians inspired by Iran revolution’ Mohamed ElBaradei Says He Will Run for Presidency White House Demands ‘Concrete Action’ From Mubarak Israel Pushes for “Conditional Democracy” in Egypt Days of Rage: Uprisings Planned Across Mideast, North Africa Anti-Government Activists Start to Organize in Syria, Sudan Israel urges West: Make sure new Egypt regime honors peace deal U.S. reexamining its relationship with Muslim Brotherhood opposition group NOTHING BUT SHIT STREWN EVERYWHERE 2010: Worst Year for Civilian Deaths of the Afghanistan War An unsurpressable truth Effects of Egypt’s turmoil felt in Gaza Strip Israel, Thy Name is Arrogance Three Children Among Nine Dead in Pakistan Car Bombing Israeli PM Says Iran Wants ‘Another Gaza’ in Egypt Peres Warns That Democracy in Egypt Will Bring Islamists to Power Pro-Mubarak Mob Stabbed Al-Arabiya Reporter Rumsfeld not regretful for Iraq war Mubarak Supporters Pledge to ‘Liberate Tahrir Square With Blood’ Please check out the brand new book detailing Israel’s deliberate attack on the USS LIBERTY here