New campaign! Adidas exploitation: Not ok anywhere

 Dear aLL

As Adidas take centre stage as the official partner of the London 2012 Olympic Games, the abuse and exploitation of the workers who make their clothes has been exposed.

Adidas still refuse to make the most basic commitments like ensuring all the workers who make their clothes are paid a living wage. With just 50 days until the start of the Olympics, this is a unique opportunity to demand Adidas change their ways.

Today we’re turning up the heat and launching a new campaign for you to send Adidas a simple message: Exploitation. It’s not ok here. It’s not ok anywhere.

Not ok anywhere videoWorkers making Adidas clothes around the world are paid poverty wages, have little or no job security and face harassment or dismissal if they try and organise trade unions to defend their rights.

This is exploitation. It’s not ok for Adidas to treat workers like this here and it shouldn’t be ok anywhere else.

We are launching the campaign with a website and a hard hitting new campaign video.

Watch the video and share it with everyone you know.

You can also order a whole range of new free campaign materials and email Adidas demanding they respect workers’ rights

This summer we’re pulling out all the stops and piling on the pressure to demand that they change their ways.

We’ve exposed their abuse of workers’ rights, we’ve got them in the spotlight. Now we need you and everyone you know to get involved and demand Adidas end the exploitation of workers around the world.

Thank you,

Murray Worthy
Sweatshops campaigner

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