Netanyahu: IAEA report confirms Zionist suspicions on nuclear Iran


by crescentandcross in Uncategorized 

PM Netziyahu calls on international community to stop Iranian race toward nuclear weapons, in first official response to IAEA report detailing Iran’s attempt to produce nuclear weapons since 2003.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on the international community to stop the Iranian race toward nuclear weapons on Wednesday, a day after the International Atomic Energy Agency released a report stating that Tehran had been working continuously to obtain a nuclear weapon since 2003.

A statement released by the Prime Minister’s Office said “the IAEA report confirms both the international community and Israel’s claim that Iran is developing a nuclear weapon.”

The IAEA report, which was handed over to the 35-member states of the IAEA Board of Governors, details a series of tests, acquisition of materials, and technology that suggests Iran has continuously worked to produce a nuclear weapon since 2003.

A diplomatic source in Vienna told Haaretz that this is “the most damning report ever published by the IAEA and the conclusion arising from it is one: Iran is working to acquire a nuclear weapon.”

The Prime Minister’s statement comes in the wake of Russia’s refusal to support new, tougher sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program.

On the other hand, France said on Wednesday that it wanted to convene the UN Security Council and could push for unprecedented sanctions against Iran after an International Atomic Energy Agency report said Iran had worked to develop an atomic bomb design.

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