(NED'S) Caught in violent conflict? A ‘how-to’ Journalist Survival Guide



The Samir Kassir Eyes (SKeyes) Center for Media and Cultural Freedom recently debuted a unique Journalist Survival Guide, blending video with helpful “how-to” tips on what journos should do under fire; during a riot or when choking on tear gas, and other dangers encountered by media professionals operating in conflict and war zones, T.K. Maloy writes from Beirut: The Survival Guide is a “first of its kind video training curriculum providing journalists and citizen journalists operating in dangerous zones with tips and recommendations to protect their physical and online safety and reinforce the credibility of their reporting.”

“We(NED/NDI) wanted to provide journalists and citizen journalists operating in danger zones with quick, practical reminders of the most essential ways to stay safe,” said Ayman Mhanna, executive director of SKeyes. “Very often, those who cover conflict and unrest don’t have time to go through long presentations, big books and multi-day training workshops. Having short videos with the most important tips might prove useful; people can watch these videos on their mobile phones.”The release of the Survival Guide comes at an important time for media workers as hundreds of journalists have flocked to Syria and bordering countries, for coverage of the ongoing Syrian civil war which has resulted in the death of an estimated 100,000 Syrian citizens,(tens of thousands of these were actually dead gov’t -army soldiers,police,civil govt employees and pro govt citizens) along with the death or hostage-taking of a number of media workers.
The guide includes 14 short animated videos, available in English and Arabic, as well as the scripts in PDF one-page format.Mhanna added that “SKeyes would like to thank the National Endowment for Democracy for making this project possible, as well as the Lebanese Red Cross, the Global Center for Journalism and Democracy, and the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs for volunteering to develop the curriculum.”
[ed notes:a quick tip to skeyes…make sure to update to a new version after some of these so called citizen journalists get caught with a manual wich will easily be discovered as a project sponsored by the worlds leading anti democratic color revolution western/zionist centres lol make sure to teach them how to pray really hard after that awkward momment when the targetted for regime change govt interrogation follows their arrest lol

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