Nazi soldier named 'Terminator' after shooting dead 3 Palestinians


Posted by: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr

Nazi soldier on Thursday was celebrated in an RACIST Nazi American Jewish weekly as “the Terminator” after he shot and killed three Palestinians in nine days.
The RACIST  Jewish Press ran an article on the soldier, known only as “Corporal T”, under the headline “Meet the Terminator,” referring to the cyborg of the Hollywood film franchise.
The Nazi soldier shot and killed 25-year-old Malik Talal al-Shareef after an alleged stabbing attempt on Nazi soldier in the illegal Jewish Nazi Gush Etzion settlement bloc near Bethlehem on Thursday.
Nine days earlier, on Oct. 17, Zionist reports say he killed another two Palestinians in the same illegal Jewish Nazi settlement bloc.Shadi Nabil Abd al-Muti Dweik, 22, and Shabaan Abu Shkeidem, 17, were shot dead in the area after Nazi soldier was stabbed and injured.
“Corporal T,” who has reportedly spent just two months in operational duty, was described by his fellow officers as a “young warrior,” according to The RACIST Jewish Press.
“Kfir Brigade officers commended the rapid response and cool temper of the warrior, who prevented more serious results,” their report said.
“According to them, the fact that he is a young warrior, who’s only been in uniform a total of eight months, only two of those in operational duty, did not affect his focused and precise actions in both cases.”
Nazi news site Ynet also praised the soldier’s actions, citing his “alert and accurate response” during the incidents as “impressive.”
The celebration of the 19-year-old Nazi soldier’s actions comes after a deadly month in the occupied Palestinian territory that left at least 69 Palestinians dead.
The majority were shot and killed by Nazi forces after allegedly attempting attacks on ‘Israelis’, although Palestinians and rights groups have raised questions over Nazi version of events in a number of cases.
There has been widespread criticism of Nazi “shoot to kill” policy advocated by Nazi officials. rights group B’Tselem said last month that the policy has led to high numbers of unnecessary deaths.
Last month UN Secretery-General Ban-Ki Moon said that “a number of incidents, many caught on video and widely disseminated, call into question the degree of response, including the apparent disproportionate use of lethal force as a first resort.”

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