Official: Palestinian stabbed, shot in settler attack near Nablus
A 43-year-old man was stabbed by a group of Nazi settlers on Saturday,
a PA official said.
A Palestinian man was shot by Zio-Nazi army in the northern illegally occupied West Bank on Saturday, after which a group of Nazi settlers stabbed him repeatedly, a Palestinian official said.Jawdat Bani Jabir, 43, was shot in the face and the foot by Zio-Nazi soldiers in Yanun village, south of Nablus, governorate official Ghassan Daghlas said.A group of Nazi settlers who had descended into the village proceeded to stab him in several places, Daghlas added. Jabir’s condition could not be immediately confirmed.
Zio-Nazi army spokesman said he was looking into the incident.
Daghlas said the Nazi settlers had entered Yanun village, and fatally stabbed five cattle. He pointed out that the village depends on agriculture and livestock.
Villagers came out to defend their homes, the official added.
Yanun is surrounded by Nazi settler outposts, illegal under both international.

Nazi’s in illegally occupied West Bank


  1. Hey, Dorothy Online Newsletter, wouldn’t be a good idea to start correcting the language we use, i.e., to stop using lying euphemism that attempt to deceive?
    There are no “settlers” in the West Bank. A settler is a pioneer braving making his way into a virgin land “where no man had gone before” and proudly and honestly making a life for himself and his family there. At least theoretically and by definition.
    Why not reject this lying depiction of the Israeli invaders and call them by a more appropriate name: SQUATTERS. It is not hard to write and get used to. Everybody knows what a squatter is: somebody who occupies a place illegally. Fits, don’t you think?

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