Nazi regime won’t prosecute embassy guard over Jordan shootings



Zionist of Jordan

Zio-Nazi regime will not prosecute a guard from its embassy in Amman who killed two Jordanians in July, as had long been demanded by the kingdom, two Zionist sources said to Reuters on Sunday.

Instead, the Foreign Ministry and Shin Bet security agency will review protocols surrounding the actions taken by the guard, Ze’ev Moyal, and his conduct, “and share the results with the Jordanians”, a diplomatic source said.

The killings led to a rift between the countries, which both said last week had been mended.

Jordan said Israel had apologised for the embassy deaths, would compensate the victims’ next of kin and “implement and follow up legal measures” in the case.

Jordanian officials were not immediately available to comment on the diplomatic source’s account. Nazi Foreign Ministry spokesman declined comment.

Amman had previously demanded a homicide trial for the guard, whose repatriation under diplomatic immunity and hero’s welcome by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu angered Jordanians.

Nazi regime said in the aftermath of the incident that the guard had acted in self-defence, shooting a workman who stabbed and wounded him lightly, and that the second Jordanian was killed by stray fire.

Asked on Sunday whether criminal prosecution of the guard was possible, a second Nazi official told Reuters on condition of anonymity: “No way.”

The guard’s prospects of remaining in the Gestabo/ secret service may be in doubt, however, after a Jordanian newspaper published his name and photograph. Other fine-print elements of the reconciliation deal were designed to limit legal culpability for the Nazi regime, the diplomatic source said.

Nazi regime would not pay damages to the next of kin directly, but instead provide a $5 million lump sum for the Jordanian government to disburse as compensation, that source said. The money is also meant to cover the needs of the family of a Jordanian shot dead by Nazi border guard in 2014.

Two sources close to the families confirmed the payout sum.

Nazi source said the Naziyahu government had not apologised for the shooting of the alleged assailant but rather “voiced regret”.

On Thursday, a Jordanian government spokesman said te Nazi regime had sent a memorandum stating its “deep regrets and apologies”.

Yet the Nazi regime distinguishes between the two expressions of contrition, seeing in the latter a potential admission of guilt.

See Also:

Nazi regime to Jordan: Reopen embassy or you will run dry

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