Nazi regime threat to bomb Beirut and southern villages

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr

Nazi regime threat to bomb Beirut and southern villages … “They will pay a heavy price”!

“Al-Sharq Al-Awsat” newspaper stated that “following the accusation of Hezbollah that it“ violates the rudeness of the cease-fire agreements with ‘Israel’ and violates UN Security Council Resolution 1701 in 2006 ”, the commander of the Northern Command in the Nazi army, General Amir Baram, He retaliated in a way that he called “tax collection”, which transcends the party and includes “striking Iran and bombing the capital Beirut and the southern villages that the party uses.”

According to the newspaper, Baram’s comments were made at a conference to graduate a class of officers with the rank of major, held at the Tel Hai Academic Institute, located on the northern border. He said that “Hezbollah, under the auspices of the Lebanese state, violates Resolution 1701 in a grave breach and its military activities in border villages such as Khiyam, Bint Jbeil and Aita al-Shaab, are a vivid example of that.”

He continued: “The Lebanese government and its leaders must work to prevent Hezbollah from violating Resolution 1701,” adding that “the party” does not protect Lebanon and does not think about Lebanon, but rather what it does is to implement the following orders from Iran.

“Despite the economic hardships in Lebanon, Hezbollah continues its efforts to acquire more and more accurate weapons to prejudice the Israeli Home Front, as it continues to deploy south of the Litani River to attack the towns And knocked on our lands. ”

Baram also attacked President Michel Aoun and the new government, which he considered a government “subject to the wishes of Hezbollah and protecting its interests.” He said that it was doing this “through a false display of reforms for the population of Lebanon internally, and in order to satisfy the sources of funding in the West externally.”

He added that “Aoun claimed two weeks ago before a number of French media correspondents that Hezbollah does not interfere in the decisions of the new Lebanese government, and that he personally commits that Hezbollah will respect Resolution 1701, but what was said in French is not what is happening on the ground.”

Then the Nazi general threatened, saying: “They know in Beirut and in Jabal Amel, in southern Lebanon, that they will pay a heavy price! The Israeli army will not be silent for long and will continue to work to thwart efforts that threaten our security as long as it requires us. ”Baram said:“ We are not concerned with war. ”

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